d.to.sites GRASS Reference Manual d.to.sites NAME d.to.sites - Allows the user to create a GRASS site_lists file by selecting points on the graphics monitor with a mouse. (SCS GRASS Map Development Program) SYNOPSIS d.to.sites d.to.sites help d.to.sites sites=name DESCRIPTION This program allows a user to create a new GRASS site_lists file by selecting locations within the active display frame. The user is prompted for the label that is placed in the site_lists file with the corresponding geographic coordinates. COMMAND LINE OPTIONS Parameter: sites=name The name to be assigned to the GRASS site_list file to be created. EXAMPLE For example, to create a site_lists file called SAMPLE: d.to.sites sites=SAMPLE The user is promted as follows: Enter the label to place in the site file : SAMPLE Buttons Left: Place Label Here Middle: Change the label Right: Quit Note: The site_lists file must not already exist. SEE ALSO d.frame, d.what, d.zoom, d.sites, s.db.rim, s.menu AUTHOR M.L.Holko, USDA, SCS, NHQ-CGIS NOTICE This program is part of the contrib section of the GRASS distribution. As such, it is externally contributed code that has not been examined or tested by the Office of GRASS Integration. GRASS 5.0beta6 GRASS Development Team 1