r.statistics GRASS Reference Manua r.statistics NAME r.statistics - Category- or objectoriented statistics (GRASS Raster Program) SYNOPSIS r.statistics r.statistics help r.statistics [-c] base=name cover=name method=name [output=name] BESCHREIBUNG r.statistics is a tool, where different class-, resp. objectoriented statistical analysis methods are possible. The methods are the following: [english] - [german] distribution - Verteilung in Prozent average - Durchschnitt mode - Modalwert median - Median avedev - Durchschnittliche Abweichung stddev - Standardabweichung variance - Varianz skewness - Schiefe der Verteilung kurtosis - Relative Abflachung (-) oder Zuspitzung (+) min - Minimum max - Maximum sum - Summe GRASS 5.0beta7 GRASS Development Team 1 r.statistics GRASS Reference Manua r.statistics COMMAND LINE OPTIONS Flags -c Values are taken from category lables of the covering- layer, instead of covering-layer itself. Parameter base base raster map cover cover raster map method Statistical method options: distribution, average, mode, median, avedev, stddev, variance, skewness, kurtosis, min, max, sum output Name of the new layer (not when using 'distribution') The calculations will be performed for areas with data of the covering-layers which belong in the base-layer o the same category. Setting the -c flag the category lables of the covering raster layer will be used. This is nice to avoid the GRASS limitation to interger in raster maps because using category values floating point numbers can be stored. The output-layer is a reclassified version of the base- layer with identical category values. The results of the calculations are stored in the category labels of the output-layer. The described output is valid for all calculations with exception of distribution. Here the output is given to stdout. A file name eventually specified will be ignored. The result will be a table with three columns. In the 1. column are the category values of the base- layer (a), in the 2. column the associated value of the cover-Layers (b) and in der 3. column the percentage of b from a. Example: 1 124 23 1 201 47 1 273 30 2 101 5 2 152 16 2 167 60 2 GRASS Development Team GRASS 5.0beta7 r.statistics GRASS Reference Manua r.statistics 2 187 19 . . . REMARK The source code of average, mode and median was taken from some GRASS raster modules. BUGS unkown. SEE ALSO r.mode, r.median, r.average, r.neighbors AUTHOR Martin Schroeder, Geographisches Institut Heidelberg, Germany Internet: emes@geo1.geog.uni- heidelberg.de This text is a quick and dirty translation of Markus Neteler. NOTICE This program is part of the contrib section of the GRASS distribution. As such, it is externally contributed code that has not been examined or tested by the Office of GRASS Integration. GRASS 5.0beta7 GRASS Development Team 3