v.in.dxf3d GRASS Reference Manual v.in.dxf3d NAME Iv.in.dxf3dR - Converts the Z values of DXF files to attribute GRASS vector file format. (GRASS Vector Program) SYNOPSIS Bv.in.dxf3dR Bv.in.dxf3d helpR v.in.dxf3d dxf=name [lines=name[,name,...]] DESCRIPTION The v.in.dxf3d data conversion program generates GRASS dig_att files from a DXF file with Z values. This program, in conjunction with v.in.dxf, is ideal for automaticaly importing, to GRASS vector file, layers with Z values (isolines and level contours) from DXF format files. Firts should be run the v.in.dxf program for import the DXF polylines to binary GRASS vector file format (dig). Later, the DXF Z values of the isolines layers with v.in.dxf3d (dig_att) must be imported, and finally run v.support to attach at this layers their elevations. The v.in.dxf3d.sh script can be used to make all this automaticaly, for a maximun of two isolines layers (normally contours and master contours) from one DXF file. The v.in.dxf program only recognizes, by now, the Z values from polylines entities in the DXF format. COMMAND LINE OPTIONS Parameters dxf Name of the DXF input design file from where will be extracted the Z values. lines Name(s) of layer(s) in DXF input file containing isoline data with Z values, and the name(s) to be assigned to the GRASS vector data (dig_att) files output. BUGS The program only recognizes the Z values if they are in the "30" field of the POLYLINE entity section. If the input DXF file is in MS-DOS text format, with CR/LF instead of Unix LF, the program doesn't run. To avoid this problem, import to Unix your DXF-MSDOS format files with FTP in ascii mode or with a command able to convert this files GRASS 5.0beta7 GRASS Development Team 1 v.in.dxf3d GRASS Reference Manual v.in.dxf3d (DOS-COPY, mcopy, etc). SEE ALSO v.in.dxf, v.support, v.digit, v.in.dxf3d.sh AUTHOR The original program dxf3d2gras.bas written in GWBASIC (MS- DOS) by Evaristo Quiroga, Hidrologic and Extern Geodinamic Unity of the University Autonoma of Barcelona (6/93). The program was rewritted in C for Grass-Unix environment by Evaristo Quiroga, Environmental and Territorial Analisis Center, UAB (12/95). NOTICE This program is part of the contrib section of the GRASS distribution. As such, it is externally contributed code that has not been examined or tested by the Office of GRASS Integration. 2 GRASS Development Team GRASS 5.0beta7