v.in.tiger.scs v.in.tiger.scs NAME v.in.tiger.scs - Converts ASCII TIGER data files from the U.S. Dept. of Commerce Bureau of the Census. (SCS GRASS Vector Program) SYNOPSIS v.in.tiger.scs v.in.tiger.scs help v.in.tiger.scs [-cv] tig1=name tig2=name out=name cfc=name[,name,...] DESCRIPTION This program imports Census line features from TIGER records type1 and type2 into GRASS vector format. Both pre-Census and post-Census data formats can be used. Specific Census Feature Class Codes (CFCC) can be extracted completely or in various combinations. These codes are described in the TIGER/line Census Files 1990 documemtation available from the Bureau of the Census. An additional feature code consisting of the three letters "BOU" may also be specified to extract a county boundary. Condensed Record 1 files may be imported with the -c flag. These files should be identified with a trailing "x" character on the filename. COMMAND LINE OPTIONS Flags: -c Condensed TIGER file. -v Verbose output. Parameters: tig1=name TIGER file 1. tig2=name TIGER file 2. out=name New vector file name. cfc=name,name,... Specific Census Feature Class (CFCC) codes. EXAMPLE To extract all Primary (A1) and Secondary (A2) roads from a county's TIGER files the following command would be used: v.in.tiger.scs tig1=t12113.1 tig2=t12113.2 out=roads \ cfc=A1,A2 To extract all the Hydrographic features in a county's TIGER files with verbose output: GRASS 5.0beta6 GRASS Development Team 1 v.in.tiger.scs v.in.tiger.scs v.in.tiger.scs -v tig1=t12113.1 tig2=t12113.2 out=hydro \ cfc=H To extract the county boundary the command would be: v.in.tiger.scs tig1=t12113.1 tig2=t12113.2 out=bou \ cfc=BOU NOTES The TIGER files must in sorted order before being used. This can be done by using the following command: 1 2 For consistency the sorted file should be written as above. It should consist of a 't' followed by the State and County FIPS code, then a '.' and then a value to identify the record number. The CFCC code 'BOU' used to extract the County Boundary should be used alone as it will result in a polygon AREA being created. Currently output is in UTM only. SEE ALSO v.import AUTHOR Paul H. Fukuhara, USDA SCS National Cartographic Center NOTICE This program is part of the contrib section of the GRASS distribution. As such, it is externally contributed code that has not been examined or tested by the Office of GRASS Integration. 2 GRASS Development Team GRASS 5.0beta6