v.psu GRASS Reference Manual v.psu NAME v.psu - Program to build PSU polygon and PSU sites from single labeled line segment. (SCS GRASS Vector Program) SYNOPSIS v.psu v.psu help v.psu input=name output=name psu=name subj=name [xdist=name] [ydist=name] DESCRIPTION This program builds a complete PSU polygon and PSU points from a single labeled line segment identifying the west edge of the PSU. The resultant polygon and points will be automatically labeled based on the original line segment label. Parameters: input=name Vector input file name. output=name Vector output file name. psu=name psu_data file name. subj=name Subject file name. xdist=value x distance. ydist=value y distance. EXAMPLE psu.vect in=spri out=spri.psu psu=SD009.PNT subj=bonhomme.psu NOTES Refer to SCS PSU Digitizing Manual for examples and further instruction. AUTHOR Paul H. Fukuhara, USDA SCS National Cartographic Center NOTICE This program is part of the contrib section of the GRASS distribution. As such, it is externally contributed code that has not been examined or tested by the Office of GRASS Integration. GRASS 5.0beta6 GRASS Development Team 1