.TH r.le.patch 1 "" "" "" "" .SH NAME \*Lr.le.patch (GRASS Raster Program) .SH GRASS VERSION 4.x .SH SYNOPSIS \*Lr.le.patch\*O .br \*Lr.le.patch help\*O .br \*Lr.le.patch\*O [\*L-bcnptu\*O] \*Lmap=\*Oname] .SH OPTIONS .SH Flags: .VL 4m .LI "\*L-b\*O Run in background. .LI "\*L-c\*O Output map 'interior' with patch cores. .LI "\*L-n\*O Output map 'num' with patch numbers. .LI "\*L-p\*O Include sampling area boundary as perimeter. .LI "\*L-t\*O Use 4 neighbor tracing instead of 8 neighbor. .LI "\*L-u\*O Output maps 'units_x' with sampling units for each scale x. .LE .SH Parameters: .VL 4m .LI "\*Lmap\*O Raster map to be analyzed. .LI "\*Lsam\*O Sampling method (choose only 1 method): w=whole map, u=units, m=moving window, r=regions Default: w .LI "\*Lreg\*O Name of regions map, only when sam = r; omit otherwise. .LI "\*Latt\*O Attribute measures: Options: a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7 a1 = mean pixel attribute a2 = st. dev. pixel attribute a3 = mean patch attribute a4 = st. dev. patch attribute a5 = cover by gp a6 = density by gp a7 = total density .LI "\*Lsiz\*O Patch size measures: Options: s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6 s1 = mean patch size s2 = st. dev. patch size s3 = mean patch size by gp s4 = st. dev. patch size by gp s5 = no. by size class s6 = no. by size class by gp .LI "\*Lco1\*O Edge width in pixels (integer) for use with co2 .LI "\*Lco2\*O Core size measures (required if co1 was specified): Options: c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10 c1 = mean core size c2 = st. dev. core size c3 = mean edge size c4 = st. dev. edge size c5 = mean core size by gp c6 = st. dev. core size by gp c7 = mean edge size by gp c8 = st. dev. edge size by gp c9 = no. by size class c10 = no. by size class by gp .LI "\*Lsh1\*O Shape method (choose only 1 method): m1 = perim./area m2 = corr. perim./area m3 = rel. circum. circle .LI "\*Lsh2\*O Shape measures (required if sh1 was specified): Options: h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 h1 = mean patch shape h2 = st. dev. patch shape h3 = mean patch shape by gp h4 = st. dev. patch shape by gp h5 = no. by shape class h6 = no. by shape class by gp .LI "\*Lfra\*O Fractal dimension measures: Options: f1 f1 = perim.-area fractal dim. .LI "\*Lper\*O Perimeter measures (required if pe1 was specified): Options: p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6 p1 = sum of perims. p2 = mean perim. p3 = st. dev. perim. p4 = sum of perims. by gp p5 = mean perim. by gp p6 = st. dev. perim. by gp .LI "\*Lout\*O Name of output file for individual patch measures, when sam=w, u, r; if out=head, then column headings will be printed .LE .SH SEE ALSO The r.le \*Lr.le.trace\*O .SH AUTHOR William L. Baker, Department of Geography and Recreation, University of Wyoming