.TH r.surf.fractal 1 "" "" "" "" .SH NAME \*Lr.surf.fractal\*O - GRASS module to create a fractal surface of a given fractal dimension. Uses spectral synthesis method. Can create intermediate layers showing the build up of different spectral coefficients (see Saupe, pp.106-107 for an example of this). .PP Use this module to generate naturally looking sythetical elevation models (DEM). .PP .SH Usage: \*Lr.surf.fractal out=\*Oname] .SH Parameters: .VL 4m .LI "\*Lout\*O Name of fractal surface raster layer to be produced .LI "\*Ld\*O Fractal dimension of surface (2 < D < 3) Default: 2.05 .LI "\*Ln\*O Number of intermediate images to produce Default: 0 .LE .SH SEE ALSO \*Lr.mask\*O \*Lr.surf.contour\*O \*Lr.surf.idw\*O \*Ls.surf.idw\*O \*Ls.surf.tps\*O \*Lr.surf.gauss\*O \*Lr.surf.random\*O \*Lr.surf.idw2\*O \*Lparser\*O .SH REFERENCE Saupe, D. (1988) Algorithms for random fractals, in Barnsley M., Devaney R., Mandelbrot B., Peitgen, H-O., Saupe D., and Voss R. (1988) The Science of Fractal Images, Ch. 2, pp.71-136. London: Springer-Verlag. \*Ljwo@le.ac.uk\*O .br \*LASSIST's home\*O