README file/Release announcement ANSWERS on GRASS Integration Project Beta release (Version 1.0 of r.answers) Chris C. Rewerts USA CECER ECS (US Army Corps of Engineering Construction Engineering Research Laboratories) PO Box 9005 Champaign, IL 61826-9005 Phone: (217) 352-6511 Bernie A. Engel Agricultural Engineering Purdue University West Lafayette, IN, 47901-1146 Phone: (317) 494-1198 ------------------------------------------------------- INTRO This is a distribution copy of the programs developed for the integration of ANSWERS (a watershed simulation) with GRASS. The integration and the associated GRASS tools were created as a part of a research project I (Chris Rewerts) did under the guidance of Bernie Engel at the Agricultural Engineering Department of Purdue University. The key to understanding the ANSWERS on GRASS work is to know that my goal was to create an integration of a GIS and a spatial simulation and thereby explore the issues involved. I don't wish to reiterate a dissertation here, but the upshot of all this is that you will find a set of tools that are not only designed for a specific function but also can serve as a reference for GIS-integration work of your own (as in: "this is how one group decided to do this integration-with-GIS-thing, let's use the good parts and avoid the bad parts"). Meanwhile, if you are someone or agency that wants to work with ANSWERS doing watershed simulation, the tools included in the distribution will do that (see disclaimers, below). Also, the tools are put together to allow a wide amount of flexibility, so that you can mold them to your needs with a little programming and/or GRASS finesse. ABOUT THE RELEASE This should be considered as a "beta" version of r.answers, (some initial "alpha" testing has taken place before this release). If you decide to test or use these programs, we would like hear about it, with your comments, criticisms, and a description of how and why you are using the tools. Please send mail or email to the addresses above. We need to give the usual disclaimers, primarily that the software is provided "as is" without expressed or implied warranty, and that we or our employers cannot be held responsible for anything that may happen if you choose to make use of any or all of the tools. If you have problems or find bugs, send email or otherwise contact Chris Rewerts (addresses and phone above), although I cannot guarantee that I will always have an answer or can promptly fix all bugs. The programs were developed on SUN SparcStations, and have been compiled and run successfully on a number of other architectures. ABOUT THE INTEGRATION The central GRASS program used in the integration is r.answers, which I call a 'project manager'. Basically, it treats the ANSWERS simulation as a 'black box'. The ANSWERS program (included) has not been changed for use with this integration. This means, in part, that the model proper theoretically does not need re-validation. Since ANSWERS simulates rainfall events on a watershed, we treat a simulation scenario (rainfall event) as a 'project'. Thus r.answers provides a menu-driven interface to pull together the GRASS maps and other ANSWERS inputs as a project, and saves all this information in your GRASS mapset database under a project name. You can then use r.answers to recall, copy, or manipulate projects. The r.answers program also keeps track of the status of the project, each time r.answers reads an existing project, it recalls the last status, and when one exits from r.answers it will save the current status. r.answers will indicate when a project has all the inputs needed to run ANSWERS. At that point r.answers can be used to run the simulation and process the outputs. Part of the assumption of the integration was that the user would have the basic maps of elevation, soils, and landuse, and with the help of the standard GRASS tools and others we created, s/he would be able to create the inputs needed by the model. DISTRIBUTION CONTENTS Under the src.answers directory is the program code for GRASS raster and display programs that are a part our 'hydrologic toolbox' for the ANSWERS-GRASS integration. Under the raster directory are the primary players, r.answers and ANSWERS. The other included programs were developed as accessories for the preparation of r.answers input maps, and for specialized display of input and output maps. Note that some of these programs have been distributed with GRASS 4.0 and 4.1, as part of the "src.contrib" and "src.alpha" directories. So, you may have already seen or used some of our programs before. I am putting all the related programs together in this release since it makes a more complete package. Of course, you don't necessarily have to use our programs to prepare all inputs to ANSWERS. (This is in keeping with our philosophy of open GIS and providing the user with more control over what goes on in their modeling). I advise you to play around with how your inputs are created (especially those that are elevation-based), to see what effect this has on simulation results. Following is a brief description of the programs, so you can know what you are getting into before you go too far (for more information, see the "man" files included in each program's directory. The man pages can be installed "by hand" with your local GRASS documentation or viewed with "nroff -man | more"): Raster Programs (under src.answers/raster) ---------------------------------------- answers - Areal Nonpoint Source Watershed Environmental Response Simulation, version 4.880215. An event oriented, distributed parameter model that was developed to simulate the behavior of watersheds having agriculture as their primary use. (The source code for ANSWERS is placed in the r.answers directory in this distribution.) Note: ANSWERS is a FORTRAN program, and will require a FORTRAN compiler, such as f77. r.answers - interface and simulation scenario management for ANSWERS. (NOTE: r.fill.dir,, and r.slope were created to meet the specialized needs of ANSWERS (and AGNPS) for inputs based on elevation - flow direction and slope). r.fill.dir - filters and generates a depressionless elevation map and a flow direction map from a given elevation surface map. Note: this program (and use modules that are FORTRAN programs, thus must be compiled with a suitable compiler. - generates a flow direction map from a given elevation surface map. This is the same as r.fill.dir, minus the filling done to remove depressions in the elevation map. r.slope - generates a slope map for ANSWERS from a given elevation surface map. Display Programs ------------------ d.rast.arrow - given a displayed aspect map, draws arrows on individual cells to visually indicate the flow direction. d.rast.num - given a displayed map, draws the category value number on cells. d.rast.zoom - a graphically interactive region zoom program d.rast.edit - a raster map editor. Uses d.rast.arrow, d.rast.num, and d.rast.zoom as sub-programs. d.linegraph - creates and displays X-Y line graphs on the GRASS graphics monitor. Shell Script ------------------ d.answers - a sample shell script for displaying the inputs and outputs of r.answers simulation scenarios. Sample GRASS Database --------------------- Included under the "data" directory is a small sample database provided so that you can play with r.answers to see what it is all about without having to go to all the work of putting together the maps needed to run r.answers from your local mapsets. The sample mapbase is the Purdue Animal Science Farm Study Watershed that was extracted from the Indian Pine Natural Resource Laboratory Map Database, created and maintained at Agricultural Engineering, Purdue University. To use, you will need to install the mapbase to where ever you keep GRASS mapsets on your local system. After the raster and display programs (described above), or at least r.answers and answers, have been installed and compiled on your system, you can set your LOCATION to "answers" and the MAPSET as "PERMANENT" when you start GRASS (unless, of course, you defined different names when you installed the sample mapbase on your system. You should then be able to run r.answers, and choose "Work on an existing project" as the option to its first menu. Then select "sample" as the name of the project to work on. (To be safe, you can first choose the "Copy an existing project" option, to create a back-up copy of the "sample" project.) The "sample" project is a completed scenario using the maps from the included mapbase. Class Exercise and User's Manual Excerpts ------------------------------------------ In the "misc" directory are a couple documents which may be helpful... 1. A classroom exercise - The file "exercise.troff" is troff/ascii; "" is postscript) You may find this helpful to introduce you to r.answers and its associate programs. It is a step-by-step exercise created as a class assignment using r.answers and associated programs for data preparation display with maps in the sample mapbase. Reading through this will hopefully provide some of the context to understand how all the parts fit together and how (we thought) the tools may be used. 2. Excerpts from the ANSWERS User's Manual - It seemed to me that the primary information that was lacking from this distribution was how to come up with the soil and landuse parameters. Therefore, I scanned in the parts of the User's Manual that explains this. The file is straight ASCII, and is called "manual.txt". INSTALLATION ------------- I suggest you move the answers.cpio.Z file to the $GIS/ directory and use the command: zcat answers.cpio.Z | cpio -iduc This will extract the files and directory structure from the cpio archive format, creating an 'answers' directory. You can then 'cd' to the 'answers/src.answers' and use your 'gmake' command (i.e. 'gmake4.1') to compile the programs. (After the compilation is complete, don't forget to run the '$GIS/src/CMD/MAKE.LINKS' command to properly link commands in your grass bin with their executables). Next you can install the sample database found under 'answers/data' in the same manner/system area as your other GRASS database(s). Take a look at the 'answers/scripts/README' file to explain how to install/use the d.answers shellscript.