How to debug GRASS modules and libraries with GNU gdb and DDD: Re-compile the modules and libraries you want to debug with the -g switch to the gcc compiler and without the -s switch to the linker: Edit src/CMD/head/head and for the above configuration. Remove the file in src/CMD/next_step/. Then remove the OBJ.* and LIB.* directories and recompile (with gmake5 or with make install). Now you can start a grass5 session, start up the DDD debugger (ddd&) and select the module to debug. The binary in $GISBASE/bin/ is not what you want to look at, as this only switches between the interactive version and the command line version of the module in many cases. The command line version of the module is in $GISBASE/etc/bin/main/cmd, the interactive version in $GISBASE/etc/bin/main/inter. For the "contributed" modules, the executable is found in $GISBASE/etc/bin/contrib/inter or $GISBASE/etc/bin/contrib/cmd respectively. -- Andreas Lange,