This src-tree contains the binary code for TclTkGRASS "superview", a graphical output window directly in Tcl/TK for GRASS. I got the last version of the souce code (from around 1994) from: Tcl/Tk changed a lot since then so that the module files do not work any longer. If you have the Tcl/Tk libraries around you can recompile this with issuing "gmake5" in the source directory ./src. This will build a binary file tcltkgrass in ./bin. If you edit the script file tcltkgrass_start_with_superview to reflect the TCLTKGRASSBASE to this directory and GISBASE to your grass installation and copy the file to /usr/local/bin/tcltkgrass you will be able to start this and open the superview. Don't be surprized if it dumps core and most modules exit with an error. some general thoughts: two or three concepts to merge functions from GRASS into tcl/tk: - make a new wish with added functions from gislib/display (statically linked) - make a loadable module out of gislib/display functions (dynamically linked) - embed tcl/tk in a core C Application (link app to tcl/tk API) one additional option within the GRASS system: - create a TCLTKDRIVER as a X device (in GRASS terminology) e. g. make a tk canvas that draws from GRASS modules from the fifos and allows to: zoom in, zoom out, scale, pan, save the contents of the canvas to postscript. But this could be too slow for production use? Another problem is that the driver communicates essentially only in one direction, so that it may be complicated to set the region from the display window. The source code in this directory is the first attempt of L.A.S. to create a tcltkgrass application. This attempt was later abandoned in favour of a [incr] Tcl system completey new designed. I think that the approach with new tcl/tk functions statically linked into a own wish/tclsh is a dead road. So in consequence this code could be moved to unused. some URLs: Books: Ousterhout: Tcl and TK Welch: Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk, 3rd ed. commands/options within grass wish tcltkgrass: (collected from code) View addlayer addpolyline addpoint addsites addraster addoraster addlabel addgrid addlegend draw delete panx pany scale setdefregion up zoom zoommode options: -name -mapset -color -width -dash -fill -downscale -upscale -unit -cat -bitmap -font -window example: View .new .new addlayer -name "dem@PERMANENT" .new draw .new panx 100 .new delete -- Andreas Lange,