# Automated functionality test of GRASS 5 # # $Id$ # # Legend: # Test, GRASS Test: # + working # o partly functional, some functionality missing or not working # - failing, not working # ? unknown, untested, waiting for your comments # # Status, GRASS Testsuite: # ? unresolved, module is there and starts # - module missing # . module can not be tested (scripts etc) # f module failed in test # p module passed test # i interface problem with module # # Name of Module # # Type of Module: # script bash, c-shell, tcl/tk etc script # exe binary executable file # unkn not known # # Interface is: # inter only interactive usage # cmd commandline, uses GRASS parser # script shell script (bourne, c, tcl/tk, wish) # xml module has xml interface description # other other interface # n/a not applicable, not known # # Please send updates and comments to # Markus Neteler # neteler@geog.uni-hannover.de # + d.3d + d.area + d.ask + d.barscale + d.colormode + d.colors + d.colortable + d.display + d.erase + d.fix.ortho + d.font + d.frame + d.geodesic ? d.graph + d.grid o d.his + d.histogram ? d.icons ? d.label ? d.labels ? d.leg.thin + d.leg.thin2 + d.legend ? d.linegraph ? d.mapgraph + d.measure + d.menu - d.mon ? d.paint.labels + d.pan o d.param.scale ? d.points - d.profile + d.rast ? d.rast.arrow ? d.rast.edit + d.rast.num + d.rast.zoom + d.rgb + d.rhumbline + d.save + d.scale - d.site.labels + d.sites + d.sites.label + d.sites.qual + d.text + d.title + d.vect + d.vect.cats + d.vect.zoom + d.what.rast + d.what.sites + d.what.vect + d.where + d.zoom + g.access + g.ask + g.copy + g.filename + g.findfile + g.gisenv + g.help + g.list + g.manual + g.mapsets + g.region + g.remove + g.rename + g.setproj + g.tempfile + g.version ? i.cca + i.class + i.cluster + i.colors + i.composite + i.fft + i.gensig + i.gensigset + i.grey.scale + i.group + i.his.rgb + i.ifft + i.in.erdas - i.in.gtc - i.in.pri + i.maxlik + i.ortho.photo + i.out.erdas + i.pca + i.points + i.quantize + i.rectify + i.rectify2 + i.rgb.his - i.shape + i.smap ? i.tape.mss ? i.tape.mss.h ? i.tape.other ? i.tape.slc ? i.tape.spot ? i.tape.tm ? i.tape.tm.fast + i.target + i.texture + i.vpoints + i.zc ? m.bsplit ? m.datum.shift ? m.dem.examine ? m.dem.extract ? m.dmaUSGSread ? m.dted.examine ? m.dted.extract ? m.examine.tape ? m.flip ? m.futil ? m.gc2ll + m.in.e00 ? m.in.pl94.db3 ? m.in.stf1.db3 ? m.in.stf1.tape ? m.ipf ? m.ll2gc ? m.ll2u ? m.lulc.USGS ? m.lulc.read + m.proj ? m.qcalc ? m.region.ll ? m.rot90 ? m.svfit ? m.strip99s ? m.tiger.region ? m.u2ll + nviz2.2 + p.chart + p.colors + p.icons + p.labels + p.map + p.map.new + p.ppm + p.select + ps.icon + ps.map + ps.map.new + ps.select ? r.agnps50.run ? r.agnps50.view + r.average ? r.basins.fill + r.bilinear - r.binfer + r.buffer + r.cats + r.circle + r.clump ? r.cn2 + r.coin + r.colors ? r.colors.paint ? r.combine + r.compress + r.contour + r.cost + r.covar + r.cross + r.describe + r.digit + r.distance + r.drain + r.fill.dir + r.flow + r.gdbase + r.grow ? r.hydro.CASC2D + r.in.arc + r.in.ascii + r.in.bin ? r.in.dem ? r.in.dted ? r.in.elas + r.in.hdf ? r.in.ll ? r.in.miads ? r.in.poly + r.in.ppm + r.in.sunrast ? r.in.tang - r.in.tiff ? r.in.utm ? r.infer + r.info + r.kappa + r.line - r.los + r.mapcalc + r.mask + r.mask.points + r.median + r.mfilter + r.mode + r.neighbors + r.null + r.out.arc + r.out.ascii ? r.out.elas + r.out.hdf + r.out.mpeg + r.out.ppm + r.out.tga + r.out.tiff ? r.out.xyz + r.param.scale + r.patch + r.poly + r.profile + r.proj + r.quant + r.random + r.reclass ? r.reclass.scs + r.recode + r.report + r.resamp.rst + r.resample + r.rescale ? r.rescale.eq + r.slope.aspect + r.statistics + r.stats + r.sum + r.sun + r.support + r.surf.area - r.surf.contour + r.surf.fractal + r.surf.gauss + r.surf.idw + r.surf.idw2 + r.surf.random + r.thin + r.timestamp + r.to.rlc + r.to.sites + r.transect + r.volume ? r.water.fea ? r.water.outlet + r.watershed ? r.weight ? r.weight.new ? r.weighted.cn + r.what - s.delaunay ? s.gdbase + s.in.ascii + s.info - s.kcv ? s.medp ? s.menu + s.normal + s.out.ascii + s.perturb + s.probplt - s.qcount + s.rand ? s.reclass ? s.sample + s.surf.idw - s.surf.krig + s.surf.rst + s.surf.tps ? s.sv ? s.territory + s.to.rast + s.to.vect o s.univar - s.voronoi + tcltkgrass + v.alabel + v.apply.census + v.area + v.autocorr + v.bubble + v.cadlabel + v.circle + v.clean + v.cutter + v.digit + v.dump + v.export + v.extract + v.gdbase + v.geom + v.import + v.in.arc + v.in.ascii ? v.in.atlas + v.in.dlg + v.in.dlg.scs ? v.in.dxf + v.in.dxf2 + v.in.poly + v.in.shape ? v.in.tig.basic ? v.in.tig.lndmk ? v.in.transects + v.info ? v.llabel ? v.make.subj ? v.merge ? v.mk_stats ? v.mkgrid ? v.mkquads + v.out.arc + v.out.ascii ? v.out.atlas + v.out.dlg + v.out.dxf ? v.out.mapinfo ? v.out.moss + v.patch ? v.patch.scs + v.proj + v.prune + v.random + v.reclass + v.report + v.rmedge + v.scale.random + v.spag + v.stats + v.support + v.surf.rst + v.to.rast + v.to.sites + v.timestamp + v.transform + v.trim + r3.in.ascii ? r3.in.grid3 ? r3.in.v5d + r3.info + r3.mapcalc + r3.mask + r3.mkdspf + r3.null + r3.out.ascii ? r3.out.v5d + r3.showdspf + g3.createwind + g3.region + s.to.rast3 + s.vol.idw