Wanted Algorithm for GRASS GIS $Id$ This page contains algorithm we would like to integrate into GRASS GIS under GNU GPL license. Please contact us if you can help! neteler@geog.uni-hannover.de or, better: http://www.geog.uni-hannover.de/grass/grassdevel.html Image processing: - bundle block adjustment for aerial photographs - stereo visualization and measurement (Perhaps started by Buciu Claudiu 1/2001? Vector analysis: - network analysis Started 10/2000 by Roberto Micarelli , help needed - help needed for new 3D vector format implementation contacts: David D Gray, Radim Blazek JAVA: - update/improve the java lib in src.garden/grass.java/ - add servlets? -> this should be coordinated on grass5-list as some projects are already ongoing (see GRASS web site/"Links and Screenshots" GRASS Development Team Markus Neteler neteler@geog.uni-hannover.de