NAME - Read an Ordnance Survey NTF file
(GRASS Misc Data Import Program)

Program to read an Ordnance Survey NTF file. Can read most raster and vector formats. (NTF 1 and 2).

Each line in an NTF file starts with a 2 digit record type. 
Included here is a list of supported and unsupported
rocord types. 

The following NTF record types are supported

00 Continuation record
01 Volume header record
02 Database header record
03 Data description record
04 Data format record
05 Feature classification record
07 Section header record
11 Name record
12 Name position record
14 Attribute record
15 Point record
16 Node record
21 Geometry record
22 3D Geometry record
23 Line record
40 Attribute description record
43 Text record
44 Text position record
45 Text representation record
50 Grid header record
51 Grid data record
99 Volume termination record

The following are not yet supported

24 Chain record
31 Polygon record
33 Complex polygon
34 Collection of features

Coding history:

Jo Wood, Department of Geography, V1.0
29th May 1993

Modified, 10th February, 1995

Modified 18th October, 1995 - Incorporates 'STRATEGI' vector files.
	Minor bug modifications, 19th October, 1995.
				 23rd October, 1995.
Last modified 24th October, 1995 - Fixed attribute labelling problem.


Usage: [-l] ntf=name [out=name]

  -l   Sends an NTF conversion log to standard output

  ntf   NTF file to read
  out   Output file
        default: No output file

Last modified, 3rd August, 1997