NAME - Create GRASS vector map from TIGER files
(GRASS Vector Program)

SYNOPSIS help t1=TIGER.1 [-is] t1=TIGER_1 [t2=TIGER_2] [t7=TIGER_7] [t8=TIGER_8]
[tI=TIGER_I] [tP=TIGER_P] [input=file] [vect=name] [site=name]
[zone=value] [spheroid=name]


This program creates a GRASS site or vector map of Census "Landmark" features in the current mapset (UTM or Lat-Long locations only) with labelled points, areas or lines constructed from the TIGER file records. Each point or area Landmark is a record in the Type 7 TIGER/Line file for a county.

The user may select the Landmark Features to include in the new map by specifying CFCC's (Census Feature Classification Code), or by specifying text string(s) to match with the Landmark Feature Name field. [Many Landmark records do not have an entry in the Feature Name field, so use the string matching selection with care.]

Point Landmarks are generated only from information in the Type 7 file. Area Landmarks, which often comprise several individually labelled polygons, are generated from data in TIGER file Types 7, 8, I, P, 1 and 2 (in order of use).

When making "line" maps, this program functions as a selection front end to the program; see that programs documentation for the information on how these line maps will be labelled.

TIGER/Line files from multiple counties should not be mixed or concatenated when using this program.

The program should function well independent of the termination character(s) at the end of each line in the input files. <LF>, <CR>, neither, one, or both are acceptable. Different distribution media apparently have different record delimiting characters.


Path/name of Type 1 Tiger File
Path/name of Type 2 Tiger File
Path/name of Type 7 Tiger File
Path/name of Type 8 Tiger File
Path/name of Type I Tiger File
Path/name of Type P Tiger File
file path/name for input commands
Name of vector map to create
Name of site map to create
UTM zone number; default is location zone
options: 1-60
default: 12
Spheroid for LL to UTM conversion; see m.gc.ll
default: clark66


Force interactive mode
Input commands from stdin

Notes: -i flag implied if neither flag set and no input file specified. Omitted Tiger file names will be derived from the TIGER.1 name given by suitably changing the last character.


Starting with the -s flag invokes the command mode of operation. Commands are expected from stdin, that is, the a terminal or a file redirected with '|' or '<'. When using a terminal for input, the prompt lists the available commands thus:

.p(oints) .a(reas) .l(ines) .c(ode)list
.s(trings) .m(atch)both .e(nd) .ex(it) >>

"Syntax for the dot commands"

.points [site_map]

lines containing requested CFCC Codes
(CFCC>> prompt will be given if input is from a terminal) .end

.areas [vect_map]

lines containing requested CFCC Codes
CFCC>> prompt will be given if input is from a terminal) .end

.lines [vect_map]

lines containing requested CFCC Codes
(CFCC>> prompt will be given if input is from a terminal) .end

.strings [output_file]

1 to 10 lines of 30 chars to match with Landmark names;
use '!' as first character to require exact case match;
(String #n: prompt will be given if input is from a terminal) .end .matchboth [no]

.codes [P|A|L[=output_file]]


"The details of the dot commands"

Note: Always use the .strings, .matchboth and/or .codes commands prior to creating a map with .points, .areas or .lines.

.points mapname begins the process of making a GRASS4.1 site map of point locations. This site map name takes precedence over the site=name parameter that may be given on the command line.

Specification of the CFCC's, if any, for the features you want included in the map should be done on the line(s) following .points and should conclude with a line containing .end, which begins the map generation process. The CFCC's should be of the form Dnn (e.g., D00; D10 D85 | D23, H12); several may be given on one line, separated by any common separator character. Requested CFCC's may be abbreviated to D1 (meaning D10 through D19) or just D (meaning D00 through D99).

If matching text strings are desired (see .strings\'fR), they must be specified prior to the .points command.

.areas mapname begins the process of making a GRASS4.1 vector map of polygons (areas). This vector map name takes precedence over the vect=name parameter that may be given on the command line. Specification of the CFCC's, if any, for the features you want included in the map should be done on the line(s) following .areas and should conclude with a line containing .end, which begins the map generation process.

If matching text strings are desired (see .strings\'fR), they must be specified prior to the .areas command.

.lines mapname begins the process of making a GRASS4.1 vector map of lines. This option uses only the Type 1 and 2 TIGER files. It searches the Type 1 records for the specified CFCC's and matches any specified text strings to the Feature Name (FENAME) field in the Type 1 records. Specification of the CFCC's, if any, for the features you want included in the map should be done on the line(s) following .areas and should conclude with a line containing .end, which begins the map generation process.

If matching text strings are desired (see .strings\'fR), they must be specified prior to the .lines command.

.codes searches the Type 7 Landmark file and sends to stdout, or to a file if one specified, the CFCC and the Classification description of each CFCC present. If a 'P' or 'A' is specified, both the point and area codes present are listed. 'L' lists the CFCC codes contained in the Type 1 file. The default type, if no type is specified, is 'P'. This command is provided as a useful aid to the user.

.strings records up to 10 following lines (until ".end") as text strings to match to the Landmark Feature Name Field in the Type 7 records (Type 1 for making ".line" maps). A match is made if any of the specfied strings is a substring of the Feature Name. If exact case matching is required, '!' should be the first character of the entered text strings. Example: The Feature Name "Walter Reed Army Hospital" would be matched by any of the following strings.

  army hosp
If the optional filename parameter is given, Type 7 records which match the specified strings are reported to that file, otherwise they are reported to stdout.

.matchboth is used to specify that a Landmark record (or Type 1 record for ".lines") must match both one of the specified CFCC's and one of the specified text strings to be selected. A match to either condition is the default mode, and can be explicitly set or reset by the optional "no" parameter; i.e., .matchboth no.

.exit is used to exit from the program.


The following "VASK" menus will be encountered in using the interactive mode of this program. Comments following each menu will help you decide how to answer the questions and create products.


STEP 1: Select Type(s) of features to be extracted

   There are Point and Area (polygon) Landmark feature types.
     in the Landmark (Type 7) Records

   There may also be some Line (vector) Landmark features
     in the Basic Data (Type 1) Records

   Mark one feature type you wish extracted:
                   Point   x
                   Area    _
                   Line    _

   View CFCC Codes for selected type  x

   or  Exit program  _

                     (OR <Ctrl-C> TO CANCEL)
Comments: This is the "Main Menu." You must select (by entering 'x') one of the Point, Area or Line choices. The viewing of the CFCC codes is optional, but is usually done initially.

The following screen results from a request to View CFCC Codes after selecting Point features:

     TIGER Type 7 file <tgr53037.f47>
     examined.  15 unique CFCC codes found in 123 records.

     Mark 'x' to see list on screen  _

     Enter file name (home directory) to save list to file  ______________

                    (OR <Ctrl-C> TO CANCEL)
Comments: You may request to see the list on the screen, or have the list sent to a file in your home directory, or both. If you request neither, the program returns to the Main Menu. Both point and area landmarks are reported if either "Point" or "Area" was selected on the Main Menu. If "Line" was requested on the Main Menu, all the CFCC codes in the Type 1 (Basic Data Record) file will be tabulated (this can be a useful product for other purposes); remember that the Type 1 file is large and this processing may take a few minutes or more.

The following is typical output of CFCC Codes:

TIGER Type 7 file <tgr53037.f47>
Number of Each Area Landmark CFCC
     6 D00 Landmark Feature, Class Unknown or Not Elsewhere Classified
     3 D10 Military installation
     1 D28 Campground
     1 D31 Hospital
     5 D43 Educational institution
     1 D81 Golf course
     7 D82 Cemetery
    14 D85 State or local park or forest
     7 H00 Water Feature, Class Unknown or Not Elsewhere Classified
     8 H11 Perennial stream
     9 H30 Lake or pond
    32 H31 Perennial lake or pond
     1 H32 Intermittent lake or pond
Total Area Records: 95

Number of Each Point Landmark CFCC
     1 D00 Landmark Feature, Class Unknown or Not Elsewhere Classified
     5 D28 Campground
     1 D31 Hospital
    10 D43 Educational institution
     4 D44 Religious institution
     5 D71 Lookout tower
     1 D81 Golf course
     1 D82 Cemetery
Total Point Records: 28
After reviewing the list of available CFCC Codes, select "Point, Area or Line" again on the Main Menu and something like the following two menus will appear. On the first one, select any number of CFCC Codes (categories) that you desire to be included in a new map.
	D00 _ Landmark Feature, Class Unknown or Not Elsewhere Classified

	D28 x Campground
	D31 _ Hospital
	D43 _ Educational institution
	D44 _ Religious institution
	D71 _ Lookout tower
	D81 _ Golf course
	D82 _ Cemetery

	Done: _  Start over: _

                    (OR <Ctrl-C> TO CANCEL)
Comments: In this case "Point" was selected on the Main Menu, and the user has indicated that a GRASS site map of Campgrounds is to be made.

Now you have the opportunity to enter character strings which will be matched against the Feature Name field (in the Type 7 record in the case of "Point" or "Area" maps, and in the Type 1 record for "Line" maps).

  Step 1C  Enter text(s) to match in finding Landmark Features.
           (Use ! as first char to require exact case match.)


           Check for any Landmark Records that match your
           text strings before proceeding to next step?  _

           File to save matches to (omit for screen display):

               (OR <Ctrl-C> TO ERASE AND START OVER)
Comments: See .strings discussion in the command line section of this manual page for examples of what can be entered on the lines. If no entries are made then no string matching to the Feature Name field will be done.


Some area features are included in the Type 7 (Landmark) file which do not fit the definition given of "Landmark" (CFCC's beginning with 'D'), as a mechanism to have them included in the Tiger/Line data. Many Hydrography area features fall in this category for some counties. Also, there may be records in both the Type 1 and Type 7 files for some Landmark features, such as airports, and to make a complete airport map for a county both sets must be extracted.

In the first trials of this program is was discovered that the TIGER/Line files have several defects in topological completeness when area landmark polygons are created. These defects express themselves when is run (automatically) to attach labels to the polygons and is unable to attach one or more label points. Some editing with v.digit should be able to resolve these problems.

Caution: This program will overwrite an existing vector map of the same name without warning. Site_list maps will not be overwritten.

Since this program opens many TIGER files at once, the set for a county must reside on a disk or CD-ROM, not tape. Only file types 1, 2, 7, 8, I and P are used so only those would have to be copied from tape to disk.

SEE ALSO is called automatically to produce the area and line maps.
v.apply.census will generate polygon labels for Census tracts, block groups, etc., from STF1 or PL94-171 files.


Dr. James Hinthorne, GIS Laboratory, Central Washington University, 1992.


"List of Census CFCC Landmark 'D' Codes"
[Extracted from file CODESTIG.ASC on TIGER distribution CD-ROM.]
     D00     Landmark Feature, Classification Unknown or Not Elsewhere 
     D10     Military installation 
     D20     Multihousehold and transient quarters
     D21     Apartment building or complex
     D22     Rooming or boarding house
     D23     Trailer court or mobile home park
     D24     Marina
     D25     Crew of vessel
     D26     Housing facility for workers
     D27     Hotel, motel, resort, spa, YMCA, or YWCA
     D28     Campground
     D29     Shelter or mission 
     D30     Custodial facility
     D31     Hospital
     D32     Halfway house
     D33     Nursing home, retirement home, or home for the aged
     D34     County home or poor farm
     D35     Orphanage
     D36     Jail or detention center
     D37     Federal penitentiary, state prison, or prison farm
     D40     Educational or religious institution
     D41     Sorority or fraternity
     D42     Convent or monastery
     D43     Educational institution
     D44     Religious institution 
     D50     Transportation terminal
     D51     Airport or airfield
     D52     Train station
     D53     Bus terminal
     D54     Marine terminal
     D55     Seaplane anchorage 
     D60     Employment center
     D61     Shopping center or major retail center
     D62     Industrial building or industrial park
     D63     Office building or office park
     D64     Amusement center
     D65     Government center
     D66     Other employment center 
     D70     Tower
     D71     Lookout tower 
     D80     Open space
     D81     Golf course
     D82     Cemetery
     D83     National park or forest
     D84     Other federal land
     D85     State or local park or forest 
     D90     Special purpose landmark
     D91     Post office box ZIP code