*************************************************************************** Note for SGI IRIX: You can get the GNU Tools and the egcs compiler in the IRIX tardist ready-to-install format from: http://freeware.sgi.com *************************************************************************** The newer GNU c-compilers (gcc 2.8.1 and up) do no longer support the old 32 bit ABI (o32 option), so that you must compile in the new n32 format. You need to install the SGI back end tools (dev.sw.lib, etc) from the Development Foundation CD and the Development Library CD from the IRIX 6.5 distribution media set in order to use the GNU compiler gcc. With IRIX 6.2 you need to install the SGI IDO. The actual distribution (GRASS 5.0beta10) should compile without problems on IRIX 6.x with the GNU compiler (gcc/egcs) and the native IRIX compiler from SGI (MIPS PRO compiler). Compare the file "REQUIREMENTS" for the libraries that need to be installed in order to link to. The resulting binaries get very huge, because the linker flag -s to ld for stripping the binaries does not work (you get a core dump). You can remove the symbol table with the IRIX strip command like this: cd /usr/local/grass5 find . -type f -perm 0755 -exec strip {} \; This may require root permissions. strip will give many warnings, but i noticed no problems. All programs still work. Never use the -f flag to strip. Do not strip the binaries if you want to debug the programs later. -- Andreas Lange, andreas.lange@rhein-main.de