NAME - Converts point data in a binary GRASS vector map layer into a GRASS site_lists file.
(GRASS Vector Program)

SYNOPSIS help [-acCid] input=name output=name [dmax=value]


The program extracts data from a GRASS vector map layer and stores output in a new GRASS site_lists file. If -a flag is selected, extracts all vertices from a vector file, if not selected, it extracts site (point) features only, ignoring lines and areas. If -i flag is selected then, for each line, if the distance between any two vertices on this line is greater that dmax, additional points are added to keep the distance withing dmax range. The resulting sites map layer can be used with such programs as d.sites.

The user can run the program non-interactively by specifying the names of an existing vector input map layer and a new site list file to be output on the command line. The program will be run interactively if the user types without arguments on the command line. In this case, the user will be prompted to enter parameter values through the standard user interface described in the manual entry for parser.



Outputs all vertices (instead of site data only) from vector file to site file
The Category NUMERIC data is used instead of attribute as a site description
The Category TEXT data is used instead of attribute as a site description
Additional sites are added between each 2 points on a line if the distance between them is greater than specified dmax. (valid only when -a is used)
Write attribute as double instead of cat.

If any of the sites have been labeled in v.digit, then the resultant site list will contain category information (or attribute in case -a was used but -c was not). If none of the sites are labeled, a binary (0/1) site list file will be produced.


Name of an existing binary vector map layer from which site data are to be extracted.
Name to be assigned to the resultant site_lists file.
Maximum distance between points (valid only when -a and -i are used)


d.sites, s.db.rim,, v.db.rim, v.digit and parser


Dave Gerdes,
Irina Kosinovsky,
U.S.Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory

Last changed: $Date$