$Id: SUBMITTING,v 2001-10-01 13:17:17 markus Exp $ NOTE: Please improve this list! Dear (new) GRASS Developer, When submitting to GRASS CVS repositiory, please take care of following rules: 1. Get the latest GRASS 5 Programmer's Manual here: http://grass.itc.it/grassdevel.html#prog or (better) grab it from GRASS CVS server (Latex): cvs -z3 co progmangrass50 2. Use the directory structure to place your module appropriately into the source tree - libes go into src/libes/ - raster goes into src/raster/ - vector goes into src/mapdev/ - sites goes into src/sites - ... Consider to take a look at "GNU Coding Standards" http://www.gnu.org/prep/standards.html 3. Add a header section to each file you submit and make sure you include the copyright. The purpose section is meant to contain a general overview of the code in the file to assist other programmers that will need to make changes to your code. Example (ficticious header for a file called color.c) : /* * $Id flag - see note 4 below for syntax specification * **************************************************************************** * * MODULE: d.rast (or new higher level module name (eg GRASS core) * for 5.1) * AUTHOR(S): Original author unknown - probably CERL * John Doe - jdoe@some.where.org * PURPOSE: To provide storage and manipulation of colors used for * rendering the raster. The colors are stored in a doubly linked * list which must be initialized with InitColors() before it can * be used. Note that most linked list functionality (add, * remove, get) is supported, but their is no sorting * functionality. * COPYRIGHT: (C) 2001 by the GRASS Development Team * * This program is free software under the GNU General Public * License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS * for details. * *****************************************************************************/ The copyright protects your rights according to GNU General Public License (www.gnu.org). 4. When you add the CVS Id flag (<$>Id<$>) (without angle brackets) to a file for CVS-versioning, note that this is not allowed in the *first* line of a comment. Some compilers will get confused. NOTE when following the examples below do NOT include the angle brackets <>, they are needed to prevent CVS from interpreting the flag for this example. Forbidden: /* <$>Id<$> */ Allowed: /* * <$>Id<$> */ 5. To ensure that the software system continues to work, please include #include "config.h" in your files and make use of the various system dependencies contained therein. As one example of this, see src/paint/Interface/driverlib/io.c. Please refrain from declaring system functions within the software; include the proper header files (conditionally dependent on config.h macros if necessary) instead. 6. Always specify the return type for ALL functions including those that return type "void", and insert return statements for ALL functions. Also, use ANSI C prototypes to declare your functions. Examples: void G_something(void); int G_somethingElse(int, int); void G_something(void) { /* Snipped out code */ return; } int G_somethingElse(int x, int y) { /* Snipped out code */ return(0); } 7. Use fprintf instead of printf. For errors and warnings please use the G_fatal_error() function and G_warning() function. For other output, please use fprintf() and specify the stdout stream as follows: fprintf(stdout, ...); fflush(stdout); fflush(stdout) always required when using fprintf(stdout, ...). 8. Use the following GRASS library functions instead of the standard C functions. The reason for this is that the following functions ensure good programming practice (eg always checking if memory was allocated) and/or improves portability. PLEASE refer to the programmers manual for the proper use (eg determining if any casts are needed for arguments or return values) of these library functions. They may perform a task slightly different from their corresponding C library function, and thus, their use may not be the same. G_malloc() instead of malloc() G_calloc() instead of calloc() G_realloc() instead of realloc() G_getenv() instead of getenv() G_setenv() instead of setenv() G_unsetenv() instead of unsetenv() Could somebody please add others (please verify that they are useful and safe first) 9. Don't use the C++ comment style! This confuses several compilers. Use instead: /* C-comments */ If you want to comment code portions, use #ifdef notdef portion_to_be_commented; #endif This is safe comparing to nested /* comments */ 10. PLEASE take the time to add comments throughout your code explaining what the code is doing. It will save a HUGE amount of time and frustration for other programmers that may have to change your code in the future. 11. Platform dependent code: Do not remove #ifdef __CYGWIN__ and/or #ifndef __CYGWIN__ lines and their encapsulated lines from source code (one example was that someone removed drand48 definition.) 12. Make sure a new line is at the end of each file 13. When writing Gmakefiles, use the current standard Example: --- snip ---- PGM = d.linegraph OFILES = linegraph.o LIBES=$(DISPLAYLIB) $(RASTERLIB) $(GISLIB) $(DATETIMELIB) $(BIN_MAIN_CMD)/$(PGM): $(OFILES) $(LIBES) $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(OFILES) $(LIBES) $(MATHLIB) $(XDRLIB) $(RASTERLIB): # $(DISPLAYLIB): # $(GISLIB): # linegraph.o: linegraph.h --- snap ---- Couple of notes for your Gmakefiles: - put all GRASS related libes into a LIBES line - put all non-GRASS-related libes into CC line - do not add libraries on a link line after the $(MATHLIB) $(XDRLIB) please add them before these! - The XDRLIB and MATHLIB may not go into the $(LIBES) line, but only into the $(CC) line (as being non-GRASS related). - Any module that does raster manipulations (from gislib) needs the $(XDRLIB) entry in CC-line - don't (!) add a line: $(MATHLIB): # at end of file, such stuff is only related to GRASS libes! 14. To add the executable for your module to the GRASS system run the command gmakelinks5 after your module has been compiled successfully. Note that command only needs to be called once. 15. Add the module's directory name (pointing to the local Gmakefile) to the compile list at src/CMD/lists/GRASS once the developers approve your module. 16. Place the documentation in HTML format into html/html/ and add it to the module's list in html/... The easiest way to do this is to copy an existing HTML page or the template page template.ht and modify it for your purposes (to get the page style). The shell script makemanpage.sh make things easier : look at html/README for more details and the rules to be used. The online WWW man pages will be updated over-night by CVS. 17. If you write a shell script and search for a command in $PATH, do NOT use the "which" command or the "type -p" command. Both commands are not supported on all platforms, thus causing problems for some people. As an alternative, please use code similar to the following shell script snippet which will perform the same function. In this case, the path of the grass5 command is saved if grass5 is found in $PATH. This won't recognize aliased command name. # Search for grass5 command in user's path for i in `echo $PATH | sed 's/^:/.:/ s/::/:.:/g s/:$/:./ s/:/ /g'` do if [ -f $i/grass5 ] ; then # Save the path of the grass5 command GRASS_PATH=$i/grass5 # Use the first one in user's path break fi done 18. Use "GRASS_TCLSH" and "GRASS_WISH" environment variables instead of "tclsh" and "wish" at the start of Tcl/Tk scripts. This allows users to override the default names, so that developers don't need worry about the shell names. Tcl script: #!/bin/sh # the next line restarts using tclsh \ exec $GRASS_TCLSH "$0" "$@" Tk script: #!/bin/sh # the next line restarts using wish \ exec $GRASS_WISH "$0" "$@" 19. For consistency, use README rather than README.txt for any README files. 20. Tell the other developers about the new code using the following e-mail: grass5@grass.itc.it To subscribe to this mailing list, see http://grass.itc.it/grassdevel.html 21. In case of questions feel free to contact the developers at the above mailing list. 22. (GRASS) Environment variables: If you add a new variable, please follow the naming convention. All variables are described in html/env_vars.html ... [please add further hints]