@echo off REM Startscript for GRASS 5 with cygwin and XFree86 REM Please adapt to your installation! REM You can not avoid to pop up a command window on invocation of REM this batch file. Sorry. REM Do not close this window, as this terminates your GRASS session! REM REM You may create a shortcut on the windows desktop to this batch file REM and choose "start minimized" or such from the context menue of the REM shortcut. REM REM Andreas Lange, $Date$ REM adapted from the file StartGrass of John Huddleston REM with additions from Malcolm Blue REM with even more additions and customizations from Andreas Lange REM REM ----- Window manager selection REM REM Available window managers with XFree86 for cygwin: REM - twm ..................... twm REM - vtwm .................... vtwm REM - xfwm/xfce ............... xfwm REM - blackbox ................ blackbox REM - mwm (from lesstiff) ..... mwm REM You are on your own to install and configure the REM window manager of your choice! Default window manager REM is twm, as its from the standard distribution. REM SET WM=twm REM REM ----- Path to your CYGWIN ROOT REM set CYGWIN=\cygwin REM REM ----- set your resolution here (-28 -38): REM REM color depth: x8, x16, x24, x32 REM for 1200x1600 REM set RES=-screen 0 1172x1562x16 REM for 1280x1024 set RES=-screen 0 1180x986x24 REM for 1152x864 REM set RES=-screen 0 1124x826x16 REM for 1024x768 REM set RES=-screen 0 996x730x16 REM for 800x600 REM set RES=-screen 0 772x562x16 REM REM ----- localized settings REM set XLANG=de REM set XLANG=fi =fr =no =en set LOCAL= REM set LOCAL=-xkbmap iso8859-2 REM REM ----- Paths adapted for XFree86 REM set BIN=.;%CYGWIN%\bin set LIB=%CYGWIN%\usr\X11R6\bin;%CYGWIN%\usr\X11R6\lib REM REM REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------- REM ----- nothing to change below! REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------- REM REM ----- This is your local DISPLAY set DISPLAY= REM REM ----- Cleanup after last run. REM if not exist %CYGWIN%\tmp\.X11-unix\X0 goto CLEANUP-FINISH attrib -s %CYGWIN%\tmp\.X11-unix\X0 del %CYGWIN%\tmp\.X11-unix\X0 :CLEANUP-FINISH rmdir %CYGWIN%\tmp\.X11-unix REM REM ----- export PATH as we need it REM set PATH=%PATH%;%BIN%;%CYGWIN%\usr\local\bin;%LIB% REM echo %PATH% REM REM Check if the OS is Windows NT/2000, otherwise do not use /B switch! REM if %OS% == Windows_NT goto BSWITCH REM REM ----- Win9x/ME part REM ----- REM REM ----- start the XWin server start XWin %RES% %LOCAL% REM REM ----- start window manager if "%WM%"=="twm" goto TWM if "%WM%"=="vtwm" goto VTWM if "%WM%"=="xfwm" goto XFWM if "%WM%"=="mwm" goto MWM if "%WM%"=="blackbox" goto BLACKBOX :TWM start twm goto DONEWM :VTWM start vtwm goto DONEWM :XFWM start xfwm goto DONEWM :BLACKBOX start xterm -sl 1000 -sb -rightbar -ms red -fg yellow -bg black -e bash --login -i -c blackbox& goto DONEWM :MWM start mwm goto DONEWM REM ---- hopefully the window manager started. :DONEWM REM REM ----- start xterm (not related to grass) REM start xterm -sl 1000 -sb -rightbar -ms red -fg yellow -bg black -e bash --login -i REM REM ----- start grass shell session inside cygwin/xterm start xterm -sl 1000 -sb -rightbar -ms red -fg black -bg white -e bash --login -i -c grass5 -tcltk REM REM ----- setxkbmap does not work on cygwin/XFree86 REM start setxkbmap -model pc102 -layout de -geometry microsoft REM start xmodmap /etc/X11/Xmodmap. start xmodmap %XLANG% REM REM goto END REM :BSWITCH REM ----- NT/W2K part REM ----- REM REM ----- start the XWin server start /B XWin %RES% %LOCAL% REM REM ----- start window manager if "%WM%"=="twm" goto TWMB if "%WM%"=="vtwm" goto VTWMB if "%WM%"=="xfwm" goto XFWMB if "%WM%"=="mwm" goto MWMB if "%WM%"=="blackbox" goto BLACKBOXB :TWMB start /B twm goto DONEWMB :VTWMB start /B vtwm goto DONEWMB :XFWMB start /B xfwm goto DONEWMB :BLACKBOXB start /B xterm -sl 1000 -sb -rightbar -ms red -fg yellow -bg black -e bash --login -i -c blackbox& goto DONEWMB :MWMB start /B mwm goto DONEWMB REM REM ----- hopefully the window manager started :DONEWMB REM REM ----- start xterm (not related to grass) REM start /B xterm -sl 1000 -sb -rightbar -ms red -fg yellow -bg black -e bash --login -i REM REM bash -c "/usr/bin/nohup /usr/bin/bash -c ""/usr/bin/bash -c 'twm.exe' &""&" & REM REM ----- start grass shell session inside cygwin/xterm start /B xterm -sl 1000 -sb -rightbar -ms red -fg black -bg white -e bash --login -i -c grass5 -tcltk REM REM ----- setxkbmap does not work on cygwin/XFree86 REM start /B setxkbmap -model pc102 -layout de -geometry microsoft start /B xmodmap /etc/X11/Xmodmap. REM start /B xmodmap %XLANG% REM REM ----- this is the end, my friend. :END REM xsetroot -solid aquamarine4 REM ----- enable this for debugging REM pause REM