The following is a list of SCS contributed programs directory display/ - Creates a site_lists file. The user selects location in the currently selected display window and specifies an associated label. directory misc/ dotmaps - this is a preliminary attempt at random site generation for statistical mapping, works BUT results are subjective. m.bsplit - program to split large binary files, such a cell files, into 500,000 byte or less size files. Primarily to allow uucp movement of such files between unix machines. m.geo - interactive coordinate conversion program. -> 10/99 removed due to update of m.proj m.qcalc: tool for determining cell resolution. -s [up to size] [size increment] creates a table : Cell Size Sq.Ft. Acres Hectares -a [up to acres] [acre increment] creates a table : Acres Sq.Ft. Acres Cell Size -h [up to hectares] [hectare increment] creates a table : Hectares Sq.Ft. Acres Cell Size conversion table for feet, meters, miles, and kilometers -c -c -c -c Desk calculator -m m.setproj - Automatically creates the PROJECTION_INF and PROJ_UNITS -> 10/99 removed due to update of g.setproj directory raster: - This program is used to create a grass cell file for each band of data in the ERDAS file. The user can then execute the support and group commands in GRASS to associate these cell files together as a GRASS image group. - A program for reading MIADS output files and converting them to a format. The program requires certain information before it can execute : 1. the strip, line, and cell for a, 2. UTM reference northing and easting. This program stands alone, however, conversion to GRASS use requires using the two scripts "getstrip" and "joinstrip". r.reclass.scs - An interactive program to allow a user to use files of category names or values to perform the raster reclass. Used with lists generated by a DMBS. directory sites: - converts a site_list into a vector(digit) file directory imp_exp: gef_dig: - An program for reading SCS Geographic Export Format(SCS-GEF) digitial data files and converting them to GRASS digit files. The program will require some additional information as it executes : 1. the FIPS state and county codes, 2. the import data format (old - 24 character records or new - 40 character records), 3. the input coordinate system, and 4. the desired output coordinate system. This program stands alone, however, conversion to GRASS use requires using the script "make_1_gef" prior to make_1_gef - combines the normal 3 file SCS-GEF data into 1 data file. dig_gef: v.out.scsgef - An program for writting SCS Geographic Export Format (SCS-GEF) from GRASS vector data. dlg_dig: - An program for reading DLG data which contains NO attributes, but has a flat file containing name attributes for the DLG data. dig_dlg: v.out.dlg.scs - An program for writting DLG output, developed for the specific SCS equipment used, also creates a flat file of name attributes for the DLG data. tig_dig: - An program for reading CENSUS tiger files, does NOT use a DBMS, creates vector maps directly. import: v.import - SCS user interface for import programs. xport: v.export - SCS user interface to export programs. directory vector: v.extract - Automatically creates a new vector map from an old vector map, by user selected categories. v.make.subj - Program to read the category labels of all vector maps in a list, and create a common dig_cats "subject" file from them. v.merge - Program to modify vector file dig_att data for each mapset to agree with a common "subject" file. Then does a patch of all files in the list. This program was developed for the occurence of maps with similar category names, but different category values. v.reclass - Automatically creates a new vector map from user selected categories, either names or values. v.proj - Program to provide multiple projection support for vector map data, some 70 projections and some 15 speroids are available. The program reads map data from mapsets in the SEARCH_PATH, converting the coordinates to the proper map projection for the specified output mapset, and creates a new map (in a new mapset if desired). Multiple projections in the same mapset are NOT allowed. - Lists statistics for vect map layers. For areas: gives category, label, cnt, total area in acres, hectares, and sq. miles. For lines: gives category, label, cnt, total length in meters, feet, and miles. For sites: gives category, label, and cnt. v.rmedge - Automatically removes the outer edge of a vector map. directory general: gis - SCS user interface to GRASS directory psu: SCS specific programs to support National Resource Inventory, Primary Sample Unit digitizing. This is an application package of software. directory scripts: SCS specific scripts directory mapdev: SCS specific modes to v.digit and v.patch directory man: Manual entries for SCS contributed programs directory help: Help entries for SCS contributed programs directory over_write: SCS programs which replace CERL programs of the same name, most operate the same, but have been enhanced.