v.digit2 - A menu-driven, highly interactive map development program used for vector digitizing, editing, labeling and converting vector data to raster format.
(GRASS Vector Program)




The GRASS program v.digit2 is a menu-driven, highly interactive map development program used for inputting analog map data into a GRASS vector format. v.digit2 contains programs for vector digitizing, editing, labeling, windowing, and converting vector data to GRASS raster format.

v.digit2 consists of two parts: an initialization procedure, and a multiple menu-driven environment.

  1. The initialization procedure involves choosing a digitizer, choosing the name of a vector map layer to digitize, and, if needed, registering a map to the digitizing surface.
  2. The second part of v.digit2 is a multiple-menu environment in which digitizing, editing, labeling, and other options are available. It is within this second portion of v.digit2 that all vector creation occurs.


v.digit2 was written to optimize digitizing speed and performance. It has a convenient graphic display format and very convenient windowing capabilities. Features are color-coded for ease of identification and verification. Different color schemes may be user-chosen to customize a digitizing session.

Area, line, and point features may be digitized in both "stream" and "point" modes. Both a mouse and a digitizer may be used to perform windowing functions. Labeling and editing are done from within v.digit2, rather than through a separate set of programs.

v.digit2 has capabilities that allow users to convert vector map layers to GRASS raster format, to overlay already existing vector map layers onto the feature being digitized, and set a multitude of parameters to customize a digitizing session.

v.digit2 may be used with or without a digitizer. Many options are available if no digitizer is used.

All options available within v.digit2 are contained within ten menus. Movement from menu to menu is done by chosing the movement options specified at the bottom of each menu.




David Gerdes,
Mike Higgins,
U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory

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