.TH r.reclass.inf .SH NAME \fIr.reclass.inf\fR \- Generate a new raster reclass map based on the results of multiple queries to the currently selected database. .br .I "(GRASS-RDBMS Raster Interface Program)" .SH SYNOPSIS \fBr.reclass.inf\fR .br \fBr.reclass.inf help\fR .br \fBr.reclass.inf\fR \fBsql=\fIfile\fR \fBinput=\fIname\fR \fBkey=name\fR \fBoutput=\fIname\fR \fB[label=\fIname]\fR .SH DESCRIPTION r.reclass.inf generates reclass rules for a new raster map layer based on the results of multiple queries to the currently selected database. The user constructs a series of mutually exclusive SQL select statments designed to return groups of records from the database. Each group of records should be interanally consistent in terms of attribute characteristics specified by the user in the SELECT clause. These groups should also be mutually exclusive, thereby insuring that a row returned by one SELECT clause is not also returned by a subsequent SELECT clause. Each group of records therefore forms the basis for a single category in the resulting GRASS raster reclass map. r.reclass.inf processes each SELECT statement in order generating the GRASS reclass rules needed to create a new raster map. As each SELECT statment is processed the group of records returned receives a common category value. The category value is incremented by one for each subsequent SELECT statment which is processed. The resulting reclass map will have one category for each of the original SELECT statements and an additional category for no data areas. No data in this case includes actual no data areas and areas for which no rows were returned by the database queries. .SH "COMMAND LINE OPTIONS" .LP Parameters: .IP \fIsql=filename\fR Name of file containing SQL query statements. .IP \fIinput=map\fR Name of an existing raster map layer. .IP \fIkey=database_column_name\fR Name of the database column linked to GRASS via the categories in the input map layer. .IP \fIoutput=map\fR Name of new raster (reclass), file. .IP \fIlabel=name\fR Label for new categories. .SH "EXAMPLE:" .br r.reclass.inf sql=dbrr.sql key=grass_cat input=seco.soils output=tfact.recl label="Tfact=" .br dbrr.sql: .br SELECT grass_cat from seco_soil_cats,layer .br WHERE layer.tfact >0 AND layer.tfact <=2 AND .br layer.muid=seco_soil_cats.muid ; .br SELECT grass_cat from seco_soil_cats,layer .br WHERE layer.tfact >2 AND layer.tfact <=4 AND .br layer.muid=seco_soil_cats.muid ; .br SELECT grass_cat from seco_soil_cats,layer .br WHERE layer.tfact = 5 AND .br layer.muid=seco_soil_cats.muid .br .SH BUGS None known. .SH "NOTE" This program requires the Informix database software. .SH "SEE ALSO" g.column.inf, g.select.inf, g.stats.inf, g.table.inf, d.rast.inf, d.site.inf, d.vect.inf, d.what.r.inf, d.what.s.inf, d.what.v.inf, r.rescale.inf, v.reclass.inf .SH AUTHOR James A. Farley, Wang Song and W. Fredrick Limp University of Arkansas, CAST