This text is an update from documentation/agnps2.html $Log$ Revision 1.2 2002-01-22 04:51:18 glynn Merge releasebranch_11_april_2001_5_0_0 with HEAD Revision 2001/10/10 13:10:30 markus added source descriptions Revision 1.1 2000/01/14 17:15:05 markus needs updating to GRASS 5 Markus Neteler Update for WATERSHEDDS-NCSU-GRASS-AGNPS. ------------------------------------------------------ Compiling and installing GRASS-AGNPS: 1. Check the first line of the scripts/ script to make sure that the path of the PERL utility on your UNIX workstation is correct, for example /usr/bin/perl. Type [which perl] to determine the correct path for your PERL utility if you are not sure. 2. Start the process with: gmake5 This - compiles and installs the executable agnps_input_2a - compiles and installs the executable agnps_views - compiles and installs the GRASS hydrologic functions r.cn2, - copies scripts into grass5/etc/agnps/ and grass5/scripts subdirectory 4. cshrc: You must have a .cshrc in your directory with the following statement in the PATH-command: $GISBASE for example: path = ( . /usr/local/bin $GISBASE/bin $GISBASE/scripts $GISBASE/garden/bin /usr/bin ) (optimize this for your machine) Otherwise the csh-scripts of AGNPS won't work. That's all... 5. The test GRASS dataset, ansi (in example/) can be conveniently located as a subdirectory of your home directory; however it may reside anywhere as long as the directory path is defined when running GRASS. For the usage please read documentation/agnps2.html For short: start with grass5 d.mon x0 and then 1. r.agnps50.input 2. 3. r.agnps50.view Good luck! Source home: scripts/ scripts for GISBASE/etc/agnps src_agnps_input_1/ contains $(GISBASE)/etc/agnps50/agnps_input_1, called by scripts/r.agnps50.input src_agnps_input_2a/ contains $(GISBASE)/etc/agnps50/agnps_input_2a, called by scripts/r.agnps50.input agnps-source/ agview/ r.agnps50.view hydro_tools/* etc.