GRASS Development Team

The GRASS Development Team is pleased to announce this new home for the open source Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS). GRASS has been under continual development since 1982 and has involved a large number of federal US agencies, universities, and private companies. The core components of GRASS and the management of the integration of the efforts into GRASS releases were accomplished by the Construction Engineering Resesarch Laboratory (CERL) in Champaign, Illinois. CERL completed the last combined release of GRASS as version 4.1 in 1992 and provided updates and patches to this release through 1995. It has been estimated that several million dollars of GRASS software development efforts across the government have been completed since the 4.1 release. Since 1997 GRASS is developed by a consortium of worldwide researcher and programmers at universities and private companies. GRASS GIS is released under GNU General Public License.

We have several goals for the release of GRASS including:

Current Status
As of December 1997, we have released GRASS 4.2 to the public. GRASS 5 has been released under GPL license in Oktober 1999 and already undergone several beta releases towards GRASS 5.0stable.

The Future of GRASS
Our main goal is to keep GRASS alive and prospering and available to the user community. We hope that the continued interest in GRASS will result in its further development and enhancement.


List of authors Other cooperating scientists, groups, and agencies

GRASS Development Team

GRASS Development Team
U.S. Headquarters (GRASS 4 coordination)
Center for Applied Geographic and Spatial Research
Baylor University
Phone: (254) 710-2361
P.O. Box 97354 Waco, TX 76798

European Headquarters (GRASS 5 coordination)
Institute of Physical Geography-Landscape Ecology
University of Hannover
Schneiderberg 50
30167 Hannover


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