NOTE: This is an updated version of "geom". From now on the coordinates (of the input sites) saved in the output file are truncated to the chosen precision. This update fixes some problems with the voronoi option, which resulted in lines crossing the diagram and unclosed polygons. some minor changes were also made in the optri library and in most of the "main.c"s. the man pages were modified and contain more information about the triangulations, "flat" triangles and how to handle messy input data. IMPORTANT: read the file before you gmake!!!! geom containes sourcecode for the s.geom and v.geom triangulation packages for site and vector files. in addition the following two programs are provided: ... reads the output of the program minmaxer and converts it into vector format. s.out.minmaxer ... reads site data in grass format and computes an input file for minmaxer. minmaxer is a program developed for NCSA and is available via anoymous ftp from It is a tool which allows visualization of 2 1/2 dimensional triangulations. The current version of minmaxer (v1.04) cannot yet read edges, and requires coordinates to be integer. s.out.minmaxer can be used to convert grass site data into minmaxer format. a new implementation of minmaxer is planned but postponed because of lack of time. about the libraries: "basic", "lia", and "sos" are used by "optri" for long-integer computations. they were implemented by ernst mucke and are available by anonymous ftp from as part of the "NCSA-alvis" (3d alpha shape) package. "optri" is a library which provides implementations of algorithms for optimal triangulations in 2 dimensions. an earlier, less organized, version of these algorithms is part of minmaxer v1.04. please send any comments to roman waupotitsch enjoy, roman Wed Jun 22 16:03:26 CDT 1994