interface_build { {d.legend} 0 {Displays a legend for a raster map layer.} {entry map {Raster map, required:} 0 raster} {entry color {Legend text color [white]:} 0 color} {entry lines {Number of lines in the legend (0-1000) [all]:} 0 ""} {entry thin {Thinning factor (thin=10 gives cats 0,10,20...) [1]:} 0 ""} {entry labelnum {Number of text labels for smooth gradient legend (2-100) [5]:} 0 ""} {entry at {Placement coordinates (0-100% of graphics monitor) (bottom,top,left,right) [auto]:} 0 ""} {entry use {Discrete categories/values to use (cat[,cat,...]) [all]:} 0 ""} {entry range {Category range (min,max) [all]:} 0 ""} {checkbox -v {Do not show category labels.} "" -v} {checkbox -c {Do not show category numbers.} "" -c} {checkbox -n {Skip categories with no label.} "" -n} {checkbox -s {Draw smooth gradient.} "" -s} {checkbox -m {Use mouse to size & place legend.} "" -m} {checkbox -f {Flip legend.} "" -f} }