interface_build { {} 0 {Imports an ERDAS (4, 8, 16bit) LAN file as GRASS raster files.} {entry input {ERDAS LAN file (input):} 0 file} {entry output {GRASS raster file prefix (output):} 0 raster} {entry trailer {ERDAS trailer file (input):} 0 file} {entry bands {Selected bands to extract (1,2,...):} 0 ""} {entry srow {Starting row. (defaults to first row in file):} 0 ""} {entry scol {Starting column. (defaults to first column in file):} 0 ""} {entry rows {Number of rows to extract. (defaults to all rows):} 0 ""} {entry cols {Number of columns to extract. (defaults to all cols):} 0 ""} {checkbox -l {List the ERDAS header only.} "" -l} }