interface_build { {} 0 {Convert UTM raster file to a GRASS raster map layer.} {entry input {Input UTM map:} 0 file} {entry output {Output raster file:} 0 raster} {entry spheroid {Reference spheroid:} 0 spheroid} {entry zone {UTM zone (1-60):} 0 ""} {entry rows {Number of rows in UTM file:} 0 ""} {entry columns {Number of columns in UTM file:} 0 ""} {entry bpc {Bytes per column in UTM file:} 0 ""} {entry res_ns {North-south resolution:} 0 ""} {entry res_ew {East-west resolution:} 0 ""} {entry north {Northing of UTM file:} 0 ""} {entry east {Easting of UTM file:} 0 ""} {checkbox -s {Map is in southern hemisphere.} 0 -s} {checkbox -w {Do not flag invalid east,north input lines as errors.} 0 -w} {checkbox -o {Flag other input lines as errors.} 0 -o} }