interface_build { {r.le.pixel} 0 {Analyze landscape maps.} {entry map {Input raster map to be analyzed:} 0 raster} {separator blue 1} {checkbox sam {Sampling method=whole map [default]} "" w} {checkbox sam {Sampling method=units} "" u} {checkbox sam {Sampling method=moving window} "" m} {checkbox sam {Sampling method=regions} "" r} {separator blue 1} {entry reg {Name of regions map (only used with regions sampling):} 0 raster} {separator blue 1} {checkbox att {Measure mean pixel attribute} "" b1} {checkbox att {Measure st. dev. pixel attribute} "" b2} {checkbox att {Measure minimum pixel attribute} "" b3} {checkbox att {Measure maxium pixel attribute} "" b4} {separator blue 1} {checkbox div {Diversity measure: richness} "" d1} {checkbox div {Diversity measure: Shannon} "" d2} {checkbox div {Diversity measure: dominance} "" d3} {checkbox div {Diversity measure: inverse Simpson} "" d4} {separator blue 1} {checkbox te1 {Texture method=2N-H **OR**} "" m1} {checkbox te1 {Texture method=2N-45 **OR**} "" m2} {checkbox te1 {Texture method=2N-V **OR**} "" m3} {checkbox te1 {Texture method=2N-135 **OR**} "" m4} {checkbox te1 {Texture method=4N-HV **OR**} "" m5} {checkbox te1 {Texture method=4N-DIAG **OR**} "" m6} {checkbox te1 {Texture method=8N} "" m7} {checkbox te2 {Texture measure=contagion} "" t1} {checkbox te2 {Texture measure=ang. sec. mom} "" t2} {checkbox te2 {Texture measure=inv. diff. mom} "" t3} {checkbox te2 {Texture measure=entropy} "" t4} {checkbox te2 {Texture measure=contrast} "" t5} {separator blue 1} {checkbox bnd {Measure mean juxtaposition (wt. file in r.le.para needed)} "" j1} {checkbox bnd {Measure standard deviation of juxtaposition (wt. file in r.le.para needed)} "" j2} {separator blue 1} {checkbox edg {Measure sum of edges} "" e1} {checkbox edg {Measure sum of edges by type (edge file in r.le.para needed)} "" e2} {separator blue 1} {checkbox -e {Output map 'edge' of edges given a '1' in r.le.para/edge file} "" -e} {checkbox -u {Output maps 'units_x' with sampling units for each scale x} "" -u} {checkbox -z {Output map 'zscores' with standardized scores} "" -z} }