interface_build { {r.proj} 0 {Re-project a raster map from one location to the current location.} {entry input {Input raster map:} 0 raster} {entry output {Output raster map [input name]:} 0 raster} {entry dbase {GRASS database containing INPUT location [current database]:} 0 ""} {entry mapset {GRASS mapset containing INPUT raster map [current mapset]:} 0 ""} {entry location {Location containing INPUT raster map:} 0 ""} {entry method {Interpolation method to use (nearest,bilinear,cubic):} 0 ""} {entry resolution {Resolution of output map:} 0 ""} {checkbox -l {List raster files in input location} "" -l} {checkbox -n {Do not perform region cropping optimization} "" -n} }