interface_build { {r.sunmask} 0 {Computes a raster map of cast shadow areas from sun position and DEM map, calculating sun position from date and time.} {entry elev {Elevation raster (DEM) map to be used for shadow calculation:} 0 raster} {entry output {Output binary raster map of cast shadows (1=shadow):} 0 raster} {entry year {Set year (1950..2050) for sun position calculation:} 0 ""} {scale month {Set month (1..12) for sun position calculation:} 1 12 1} {entry day {Set day (1..31) for sun position calculation:} 0 ""} {scale hour {Set hour (0..12) for sun position calculation:} 0 12 1} {entry minute {Set minutes (0..60) for sun position calculation:} 0 ""} {entry second {Set seconds (0..60) for sun position calculation:} 0 ""} {scale timezone {Set timezone (east positive, offset from GMT, also use to adjust daylight savings):} -12 12 1} {entry east {east coordinate for point of interest[default=map center]:} 0 ""} {entry north {north coordinate for point of interest [default=map center]:} 0 ""} {checkbox -z {Zero is a real elevation (i.e., not null)} "" -z} {checkbox -v {Verbose output} "" -v} {checkbox -s {Calculate sun position only and exit} "" -s} }