interface_build { {} 0 {Raster surface generation from sites map with Kriging interpolation.} {entry input {Input site map:} 0 sites} {entry outz {Output z value raster map:} 0 raster} {entry outvarz {Output z variance raster map:} 0 raster} {checkbox model {Power model.} "" power} {checkbox model {Spherical model.} "" spherical} {checkbox model {Exponential model.} "" exp} {checkbox model {Logarithmic model.} "" log} {checkbox model {Gaussian model.} "" gaussian} {entry npoints {Number of interpolation points [12]:} 0 ""} {entry range {Range (not used with log or power models) [1.0]:} 0 ""} {entry power {Power (only for use with the power model) [1.0]:} 0 ""} {entry nugget {Variogram nugget variance [0.0]:} 0 ""} {entry sill {Variogram sill scaled to the sample variance [1.0]:} 0 ""} {entry max_lag {Max.lag (only used with the power model) [1000.0]:} 0 ""} }