interface_build { {} 0 {Interpolates and computes topographic analysis from site map using regularised spline with tension.} {entry input {Input site map:} 0 sites} {entry elev {Output elevation raster map:} 0 raster} {entry slope {Output slope raster map (optional):} 0 raster} {entry aspect {Output aspect raster map (optional):} 0 raster} {entry field {decimal attribute to use for elevation (1=first [1]):} 0 ""} {entry smatt {Which fp site attribute to use for smoothing (nothing for constant):} 0 ""} {entry pcurv {Output profile curvature raster map (optional):} 0 raster} {entry tcurv {Output tangential curvature raster map (optional):} 0 raster} {entry mcurv {Output mean curvature raster map (optional):} 0 raster} {entry maskmap {Use this existing raster file name as a mask (optional):} 0 raster} {entry dmin {Minimum distance between points [0.5 grid cell]:} 0 ""} {entry zmult {Multiplier for z-value in site map [1]:} 0 ""} {entry tension {Tension parameter (appropriate for smooth surfaces) [40]:} 0 ""} {entry smooth {Smoothing parameter [0 = no smoothing):} 0 ""} {entry npmin {Minimum number of points for interpolation [200]:} 0 ""} {entry segmax {Maximum number of points in segment [40]:} 0 ""} {entry theta {Anisotropy angle (in degrees counterclockwise from East):} 0 ""} {entry scalex {Anisotrophy scaling factor (0 and 1 give no anisotrophy):} 0 ""} {checkbox -d {Output partial derivatives instead.} "" -d} {checkbox -t {Use dnorm-independent tension.} "" -t} }