interface_build { {v.cutter} 0 {Creates new polygon vector map based on an intersection of two existing maps. Run spaghetti tool afterwards.} {entry output {New vector map to be created:} 0 vector} {entry input {Data vector file which is to be cut:} 0 vector} {entry cutter {Cutter vector file:} 0 vector} {checkbox type {Output vectors are lines [default].} 0 line} {checkbox type {Output vectors are areas.} 0 area} {checkbox type {Output vectors are lines and areas} 0 both} {checkbox -o {Only cut labeled areas.} "" -o} {checkbox -a {Only extract area-edge arcs (for type=line or type=both).} "" -a} {checkbox -l {Only extract line arcs (for type=line or type=both).} "" -l} {checkbox -q {Run quietly.} "" -q} }