interface_build { {} 0 {Converts data in ARC/INFO format to GRASS's vector format, and stores output in the user's current GRASS mapset.} {entry lines_in {ARC/INFO ungenerate lines file:} 0 file} {entry points_in {ARC/INFO ungenerate label-points file:} 0 file} {entry text_in {ARC/INFO ungenerate label-text file:} 0 file} {entry vector_out {Resultant GRASS vector output file:} 0 vector} {entry idcol {Number of label-text column containing line-ID numbers.} 0 ""} {entry catcol {Number of label-text column containing category values.} 0 ""} {entry attcol {Number of label-text column containing attribute text.} 0 ""} {checkbox -n {Neatline.} "" -n} {checkbox type {Polygon coverage.} "" polygon} {checkbox type {Line coverage.} "" line} }