interface_build { {} 0 {Import Global Self-consistent Hierarchical High-resolution Shoreline (GSHHS) data to GRASS vector map.} {entry input {Input GSHHS shoreline file:} 0 file} {entry output {Output GRASS vector map:} 0 vector} {entry n {North boundary of imported vector map:} 0 ""} {entry s {South boundary of imported vector map:} 0 ""} {entry e {East boundary of imported vector map:} 0 ""} {entry w {West boundary of imported vector map:} 0 ""} {checkbox -g {Obtain north,south,east, & west bounding coordinates from current GRASS region.} "" -g} {checkbox -s {Automatically run} "" -s} {checkbox -a {Import vectors as area-line [default is line].} "" -a} }