interface_build { {} 0 {Converts data in ESRI shapefile format to GRASS's vector format, and stores output in the user's current GRASS mapset.} {entry input {Shapefile:} 0 file} {entry output {Resultant Vector Map:} 0 vector} {entry verbose {Debugging level (0-3):} 0 ""} {entry logfile {File to log operations:} 0 File } {entry snapdist {Snap distance for nodes during import:} 0 ""} {entry scale {Initial scale of vector map [1:2400]:} 0 ""} {entry attribute {Name of field with category attribute number:} 0 ""} {entry label {Name of field with category label:} 0 ""} {checkbox -l {Force import of polygon theme as unaltered line map} "" -l} {checkbox -o {Allow over-write of existing map} "" -o} {checkbox -u {Force unique and sequencial record ID for atts} "" -u} {checkbox -d {Only list fields of database and exit} "" -d} }