interface_build { {} 0 {Converts data in ARC/INFO format to GRASS's vector format, and stores output in the user's current GRASS mapset.} {entry catd {STDS CATD file to import (####CATD.DDF):} 0 file} {entry output {Output vector map:} 0 vector} {entry dbpath {Location to save database-ready attribute table (optional; give full path):} 0 ""} {entry domain {Resultant GRASS vector output file:} 0 vector} {entry map {Name of STDS map layer to import:} 0 ""} {entry theme {Name of STDS map theme to import:} 0 ""} {entry manifold {Name of STDS manifold layer ("aggregate object") to import:} 0 ""} {checkbox -i {Only display information about STDS file and exit.} "" -i} {checkbox -l {Import vectors and link tables only.} "" -l} }