interface_build { {v.scale.random} 0 {Creates sites file of randomly placed symbols within vector areas (works in conjunction with v.random)} {entry map {Input vector area map:} 0 vector:} {entry dot {Input ASCII file with category labels (or values) and count of sites to place in each area:} 0 file} {entry site {Output sites map of points within vector areas:} 0 sites} {entry outdot {Output new ASCII file with category labels (or values) and scaled count of sites per area:} 0 file} {entry scale {Denominator of the map scale (1-999999999999):} 0 ""} {entry cover {Fraction of the most dense area to cover with dots (0.0-1.0):} 0 ""} {entry size {Size of each dot, in centimeters (0-100):} 0 ""} {checkbox -n {Use category values NOT labels} "" -n} }