interface_build { {} 0 {Load vector.} {entry map {Input vector map:} 0 vector} {checkbox type {Area map.} "" area} {checkbox type {Line map.} "" line} {checkbox type {Site map.} "" site} {entry table {Table:} 0 ""} {entry key {Key column:} 0 ""} {entry col1 {Column 1 to be updated:} 0 ""} {entry col2 {Column 2 to be updated:} 0 ""} {checkbox option {Insert new category.} "" cat} {checkbox option {Load label.} "" label} {checkbox option {Load count.} "" count} {checkbox option {Load length.} "" length} {checkbox option {Load area.} "" area} {checkbox option {Load point x,y.} "" coor} {entry units {Measurement units:} 0 distance} {checkbox -p {Print only} "" -p} {checkbox -s {Print only SQL} "" -s} }