interface_build { 0 {Export vector map data to PostgreSQL database.} {entry map {Vector map:} 0 vector} {checkbox type {Area map} 0 area} {checkbox type {Line map} 0 line} {entry color {Color for vector draw:} 0 color} {separator blue 1} {entry key {Column cat_ID:} 0 ""} {entry tab {DB table:} 0 ""} {entry where {Where clause:} 0 ""} {entry rmap {Raster map for Z-coordinate (may be used with PostGIS):} 0 raster} {checkbox -f {Fill polygons.} "" -f} {checkbox -t {Select without reference table (i.e., all vectors)} "" -t} {checkbox -p {Create and populate PostGIS table instead of PostgreSQL table} "" -p} {checkbox -v {Verbose mode.} "" -v} {separator blue 1} {checkbox -s {SQL file input} "" -s} {entry sql {Name of SQL file:} 0 file} }