r.random.cells generates a random sets of cells that are at least some distance apart. The cells are numbered from 1 to the numbers of cells generated. Random cells will not be generated in areas masked off. OPTIONS -q This flag prevents the program from sending a verbose description to standard output of what the program is doing. -output Output map: Random cells. Each random cell has a unique non-zero cell value ranging from 1 to the number of cells generated. The heuristic for this algorithm is to randomly pick cells until there are no cells outside of the chosen cell's buffer of radius \fIdistance\fR. -distance Input value(s) [default 0.0]: distance determines the minimum distance the centers of the random cells will be apart. -seed Input value [default: random]: Specifies the random seed that r.random.cells will use to generate the cells. If the random seed is not given, then it will get a seed from the process ID number. NOTES The original purpose for this program was to generate independent random samples of cells in a study area. The distancevalue is the amount of spatial autocorrelation for the map being studied.