v.digit is a vector map digitizer with graphical user interface. Attribute tables can be directly generated while digitizing (define in "Settings" first).


The bgcmd is intended to be used for d.* commands. Several display commands rendering the digitize background may be used, they have to separated by ';'. If the d.* command contains spaces the whole command has to be be quoted (see example).


d.mon x0
d.rast name_of_raster #just to look at and to zoom into the area of interest

1) Digitizing an area based on a existing raster map, a vector map will be created

v.digit -n map=name_of_new_vector_map bgcmd="d.rast map=name_of_raster"

The flag "-n" specifies that your vector map does not exist yet and will be created with the name given by "map=". "bgcmd=" specifies a display ("d.*") command and is set into quotes because it contains a space.

The v.digit GUI appears -- after exiting v.digit GUI the vector map "name_of_new_vector_map" exists. After leaving v.digit, run:

d.erase # to clear the monitor
d.vect "name_of_new_vector_map" # the newly created vector should appear in the monitor

2) Digitizing a new vector and using the first vector and the raster image as background

d.erase # clear monitor
v.digit -n map=name_of_second_vector bgcmd="d.rast map=name_of_your_raster; d.vect=name_of_new_vector_map"

The v.digit GUI appears and the layer defined in the "bgcmd=" settings are displayed in the background. The "bgcmd=" settings have to be seen as a series of commands separated with ";", therefore the last command "d.vect" displays the previously created vector on top of the raster image.

3) Digitizing a raster map and using a previously created vector map as base which is displayed in the background as well:

v.digit map=name_of_new_vector_map bgcmd="d.rast map=name_of_your_raster; d.vect=name_of_new_vector_map"


Radim Blazek, ITC-Irst, Trento, Italy

Last changed: $Date$