db.execute allows the user to execute SQL statements.


If parameters for database connection are already set with db.connect, they are taken as default values and do not need to be spcified each time.


Create a new table with columns 'cat' and 'soiltype':
echo 'create table soils (cat integer, soiltype varchar(10) )' | db.execute

Create a new table using a file with SQL statements:

db.execute driver=odbc database=g60test input=file.sql

Insert new row into attribute table:

echo "INSERT INTO nobugs (id,name,east_gb,north_gb) values (30,'Ala',1657340,5072301)" | db.execute

Update attribute entries to new value based on SQL rule:

echo "UPDATE roads SET travelcost=5 WHERE cat=1" | db.execute

Update attribute entries to new value based on SQL rule:

echo "UPDATE dourokukan SET testc=50 WHERE testc is NULL" | db.execute

Add new column to attribute table:

echo "ALTER TABLE roads ADD COLUMN length double" | db.execute

Drop table (not supported by all drivers)

echo "DROP TABLE fmacopy" | db.execute

Update attribute with multiple SQL instructions in file (e.g., file.sql, instruction line must end with semicolon):

UPDATE roads SET travelcost=5 WHERE cat=1;
UPDATE roads SET travelcost=2 WHERE cat=2;
cat file.sql | db.execute


db.columns, db.describe, db.drivers, db.droptable, db.login,, db.tables, GRASS SQL interface



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