/*! \page gissiteslib Sites File Processing GRASS Sites File Processing \section gissitesintro GRASS Sites File Processing Site List Processing (GRASS 5 Sites API)


Authors: Darrell McCauley and Bill Brown (brown@gis.uiuc.edu)

Site files contain records describing punctual information. Records are limited to files containing only characters from the US-ASCII character set. Records are separated by a newline character (ASCII 0x0a). There are three types of records: comment records, header records, and data records. The formats of each these types of records are described in the following sections.

A site record in the GRASS Sites Format is divided into two parts, each with a different field separator. Part 1 contains location in 2 or more dimensions and part 2 optionally contains attribute information for this location. Both types of fields (and thus site records) are variable length. \subsection Part1_of_a_Site_Record_Location Part 1 of a Site Record: Location

Part 1 of a site record gives information about location. The field separator in part 1 of the site record is a "pipe" (ASCII 0x7c) character. The last (non-escaped) pipe signifies the end of part 1 (an escaped character is defined as one prefixed by a "backslash" (ASCII 0x5c)). Any additional fields are considered attribute information.

Each field in part 1 indicates a coordinate in some space. There must be at least two fields in part 1: the first describing a geographic easting and the second describing a geographic northing. These may be in either decimal or degrees-minutes-second format.

Additional fields in part 1 are optional but must be stored in decimal format. They should only be used to represent coordinate information about some space (e.g., elevation, time; depending upon how a space is defined). \subsection Part2_of_a_Site_Record_Attributes Part 2 of a Site Record: Attributes

Part 2 contains attribute information for the location given in part 1. The field separator in part 2 of the site record is a "space" character (ASCII 0x20), except when the space character is contained in double quotes (ASCII 0x22). The three types of attributes are: category, decimal, and string. These attributes may be in any order. Each of these attributes have an associated identifier tag defining the type of attribute in a field: # (ASCII 0x23), % (ASCII 0x25), and @ (ASCII 0x40), for category, decimal, and string, respectively. No space character may immediately follow an identifier tag. \subsection Category_Attributes Category Attributes Categories are a special kind of attribute. They are used to represent vector or raster categories when sites are transformed into these different data formats. There may be only one category field per record and it must be prefixed with a "pound" or "number" symbol (#). Categories must be integers. \subsection Decimal_Attributes Decimal Attributes Decimal attributes include both integers and floating-point numbers. They are prefixed with a "percent" symbol (%). There may be be zero, one, or more decimal attributes in a site record. \subsection String_Attributes String Attributes String attributes are fields that contain possibly non-numeric information and are prefixed with the "at" or "each" symbol (@). There may be be zero, one, or more string attributes in a site record. String attributes may contain space (ASCII 0x20) characters if the entire attribute, not including the attribute tag (@), is contained within pairs of "double quotes" ("). String attributes may also contain double quotes if they are escaped by prefixing a "backslash" (\). \subsection Default Default If no identifier tag is prefixed (i.e., none of #, %, or @), the type of attribute defaults to string. \subsection Header_and_Comment_Record_Format Header and Comment Record Format In addition to the data record format, the site file may contain comment lines (records containing a pound symbol, 0x23, in the first column) and header lines, both of which are optional. Header records must precede all data records while comment records may occur anywhere within a sites data file. There are five types of header records: (1) name, (2) description, (3) timestamp, (4) label, and (5) format.

A name record contains the string "name|" beginning in column 1 and optionally specifies the name of the database file.
A description record contains the string "desc|" beginning in column 1 and optionally describes the database file (metadata).
A timestamp record is special type of metadata that contains the string "time|" beginning in column 1 and optionally gives a time and date associated with the entire sites file. GRASS timestamps may be a single date/time or a range (begin/end).

Valid timestamp strings should be formatted using the routine G_format_timestamp(), after creating a valid TimeStamp structure using G_set_timestamp() or G_set_timestamp_range(). Similar routines exist for reading (see: DateTime_Library).

The GRASS DateTime utility library (see \ref DateTime_Library) may be used to easily and accurately perform DateTime arithmetic. A possible future upgrade would be to specify a particular format identifier tag to indicate a DateTime. Currently, to store a DateTime for each site record, you must specify it as a string and your application must know to expect a DateTime.

A label record describes what each dimension and attribute field in site data records represent. It contains the string "labels|" beginning in column 1 and optionally contains field descriptions. No special formatting is required since this record is for user convenience only.
A format record describes the format of site data records. It contains the string "form|" beginning in column 1 and a special sample data record beginning in column 6. The special sample data record is a site data record (as describe above) containing only field separators and identifier tags (i.e., all data removed).
All header records are optional. If present in a sites data file, header records must occur in the before any data records in a site file. \subsection TimeStamp_GISlib_functions_for_sites TimeStamp GISlib functions for sites \verbatim #include "gis.h" #include "site.h" \endverbatim This structure is defined in gis.h, but there should be no reason to access its elements directly: \verbatim struct TimeStamp { DateTime dt[2]; /* two datetimes */ int count; }; \endverbatim

Using the G_*_timestamp() routines reads/writes a timestamp file in the cell_misc/rastername or dig_misc/vectorname mapset element.

A TimeStamp can be one DateTime, or two DateTimes representing a range. When preparing to write a TimeStamp, the programmer should use one of:

int G_set_timestamp() to set a single DateTime

int G_set_timestamp_range() to set two DateTimes.

int G_read_raster_timestamp(char *name, char *mapset, struct TimeStamp *ts) Returns 1 on success. 0 or negative on error.

int G_read_vector_timestamp(char *name, char *mapset, struct TimeStamp *ts) Returns 1 on success. 0 or negative on error.

int G_get_timestamps(struct TimeStamp *ts, DateTime *dt1, DateTime *dt2, int *count) Use to copy the TimeStamp information into Datetimes, so the members of struct TimeStamp shouldn't be accessed directly.
count=0 means no datetimes were copied
count=1 means 1 datetime was copied into dt1
count=2 means 2 datetimes were copied

int G_init_timestamp(struct TimeStamp *ts) Sets ts->count = 0, to indicate no valid DateTimes are in TimeStamp.

int G_set_timestamp(struct TimeStamp *ts, DateTime *dt) Copies a single DateTime to a TimeStamp in preparation for writing. (overwrites any existing information in TimeStamp)

int G_set_timestamp_range(struct TimeStamp *ts, DateTime *dt1, DateTime *dt2) Copies two DateTimes (a range) to a TimeStamp in preparation for writing. (overwrites any existing information in TimeStamp)

int G_write_raster_timestamp(char *name, struct TimeStamp *ts) Returns: 1 on success
-1 error - can't create timestamp file
-2 error - invalid datetime in ts

int G_write_vector_timestamp(char *name, struct TimeStamp *ts) Returns: 1 on success
-1 error - can't create timestamp file
-2 error - invalid datetime in ts

int G_format_timestamp(struct TimeStamp *ts, char *buf) Returns: 1 on success
-1 error

int G_scan_timestamp(struct TimeStamp *ts, char *buf) Returns: 1 on success
-1 error

int G_remove_raster_timestamp(char *name) Only files in current mapset can be removed. Returns: 0 if no file
1 if successful
-1 on fail

int G_remove_vector_timestamp(char *name) Only files in current mapset can be removed Returns: 0 if no file
1 if successful
-1 on fail \subsection Record_Structure_and_Definitions Record Structure and Definitions \verbatim typedef struct { double east, north; double *dim; int dim_alloc; RASTER_MAP_TYPE cattype; CELL ccat; FCELL fcat; DCELL dcat; int str_alloc; char **str_att; int dbl_alloc; double *dbl_att; } Site; \endverbatim

#define MAX_SITE_STRING 1024
The maximum length of a string attribute.
#define MAX_SITE_LEN 4096
The maximum length of a site record (i.e., the maximum number of characters per line). This is the same value used in GRASS 4.x.
\verbatim typedef struct { char *name, *desc, *form, *labels, *stime; struct TimeStamp *time; } Site_head; \endverbatim \section Function_Prototypes Function Prototypes \subsection Prompting_for_Site_List_Files Prompting for Site List Files The following routines interactively prompt the user for a site list file name. In each, the prompt string will be printed as the first line of the full prompt which asks the user to enter a site list file name. If prompt is the empty string "" then an appropriate prompt will be substituted. The name that the user enters is copied into the name buffer. (The size of name should be large enough to hold any GRASS file name. Most systems allow file names to be quite long. It is recommended that name be declared char name[GNAME_MAX].) These routines have a built-in "list" capability which allows the user to get a list of existing site list files.

The user is required to enter a valid site list file name, or else hit the RETURN key to cancel the request. If the user enters an invalid response, a message is printed, and the user is prompted again. If the user cancels the request, the NULL pointer is returned. Otherwise the mapset where the site list file lives or is to be created is returned. Both the name and the mapset are used in other routines to refer to the site list file.

char *G_ask_sites_old(char *prompt, char *name) Asks user to input name of an existing site list file in any mapset in the database.

char *G_ask_sites_in_mapset(char *prompt, char *name) Asks user to input name of an existing site list file in the current mapset.

char *G_ask_sites_new(char *prompt, char *name) Asks user to input name for a site list file which does not exist in the current mapset.

Here is an example of how to use these routines. Note that the programmer must handle the NULL return properly. \verbatim char *mapset; char name[GNAME_MAX]; mapset = G_ask_sites_old("Enter site list file to be processed", name); if (mapset == NULL) exit(0); \endverbatim \subsection Opening_Site_List_Files Opening Site List Files The following routines open site list files:

FILE *G_sites_open_new(char *name) Creates an empty site list file name in the current mapset and opens it for writing.

Returns an open file descriptor is successful. Otherwise, returns NULL.

FILE *G_sites_open_old(char *name, char *mapset) Opens the site list file name in mapset for reading.

Returns an open file descriptor is successful. Otherwise, returns NULL. \subsection Site_Memory_Management Site Memory Management Sites routines require the use of a Site structure. Routines to allocate and deallocate memory are provided, as well as a routine which describes the format of a site list, helpful in determining the amount of memory to be allocated.

Site *G_site_new_struct(RASTER_MAP_TYPE c, int n, int s, int d) Allocates and returns pointer to memory for a Site structure for storing n dimensions (including easting and northing; must be > 1), an optional category c, s string attributes, and d decimal attributes. The category c can be CELL_TYPE, FCELL_TYPE, DCELL_TYPE (as defined in gis.h), or -1 (indicating no category attribute). Returns a pointer to a Site structure or NULL on error.

int G_site_describe(FILE *fd, RASTER_MAP_TYPE n, int *c, int *s, int *d) Guesses the format of a sites list (the dimensionality, the presence and type of a category, and the number of string and decimal attributes) by reading the first record in the file. The type of category will be CELL_TYPE, FCELL_TYPE (as defined in gis.h), or -1 (indicating no category attribute). Reads fd, rewinds it, and returns:
0 on success,
-1 on EOF, and
-2 for any other error.

void G_site_free_struct(Site *site) Free memory for a site struct previously allocated using G_site_new_struct.

Here is an example of how to use these routines. \verbatim int dims,cat,strs,dbls; FILE *fp; Site *mysite; /* G_site_describe should be called immediately after the * file is opened or at least before any seeks are done * on the file. */ if (G_site_describe (fp, &dims, &cat, &strs, &dbls)!=0) G_fatal_error("failed to guess format"); /* * Allocate enough memory, according to the output * of G_site_describe(~) */ mysite = G_site_new_struct(cat, dims, strs, dbls); G_site_free_struct(mysite); \endverbatim \subsection Reading_and_Writing_Site_List_Files Reading and Writing Site List Files int G_site_get(FILE *fd, Site *s) Reads one site record from fd and returns:
0 on success
-1 on EOF
-2 on fatal error or insufficient data
1 on format mismatch (extra data)

int G_site_put(FILE *fd, Site *s) Writes a site to file pointed to by fd.

char *G_site_format(Site *s, char *fs, int id) Returns a string containing a formatted site record, with all fields separated by fs. If fs is NULL, a space character is used. If id is non-zero, attribute identifiers (#, %, and @) are included.

int G_site_get_head(FILE *fd, Site_head *head) Reads the header from fd and stores it in head. If a type of header record is not present in fd, the corresponding element of head is returned as NULL.

int G_site_put_head(FILE *fd, Site_head *head) Writes header information stored in head to fd. Only non-NULL fields of head struct are written.

int G_site_in_region (Site *site, struct Cell_head *region) Returns 1 if site is contained within region, 0 otherwise.

int G_site_c_cmp(void *a, void *b) compare category attributes

int G_site_d_cmp(void *a, void *b) compare first decimal attributes

int G_site_s_cmp(void *a, void *b) compare first string attributes

Comparison functions for sorting an array of Site records using qsort. See examples. \section GRASS5_Reading_sites_with_G_readsites_xyz_GRASS5 Reading sites with G_readsites_xyz() [Written by Eric G . Miller egm2 jps.net]

int G_readsites_xyz (FILE *fdsite, int type, int index, int size, struct Cell_head *region, SITE_XYZ *xyz) Read a chunk of a site file into a SITE_XYZ array setting the Z dimension from the specified attribute. The fdsite parameter is the FILE * for the sites file; type is the attribute type to use for the z variable value; the index is the 1-based index value for the attribute; the size is the size of the SITE_XYZ array passed to the function; the region is a pointer to a struct Cell_head for the current region or NULL; and, finally, xyz is a pointer to an array of SITE_XYZ which will be populated. The return value is the number of records read or EOF.

SITE_XYZ *G_alloc_site_xyz(size_t num) Allocate an array of SITE_XYZ with size num.

void G_free_site_xyz(SITE_XYZ *xyz) Free a previously allocated array of SITE_XYZ.

Constants and the structure used by G_readsites_xyz(). \verbatim #define SITE_COL_NUL 0 #define SITE_COL_DIM 1 #define SITE_COL_DBL 2 #define SITE_COL_STR 3 typedef struct { double x, y, z; RASTER_MAP_TYPE cattype; union { double d; float f; int c; } cat ; } SITE_XYZ; \endverbatim

The G_readsites_xyz() function, and its related memory management functions G_alloc_site_xyz() and G_free_site_xyz(), allows the user to process a site_list when a third dimension is wanted, but the other attributes aren't needed. The third dimension can come from one of the n-dims, a numeric attribute, or a string attribute (provided it can be converted to a double). The category value is also read into the SITE_XYZ struct array when it is available. If the region [window] parameter is not NULL, then the site_list will be filtered based on the region. G_readsites_xyz() can be used to get just the easting, northing and category value (if available) by passing SITE_COL_NUL for the field parameter.

A different idea about the indexing of n-dims is used by G_readsites_xyz() as compared to functions operating on a struct Site. The easting and northing are not counted, so the index is 2 less. Index values are 1-based; that is, the value passed to G_readsites_xyz() for the index should be 1 or greater (it can be anything if type == SITE_COL_NUL).

G_readsites_xyz() makes it possible to process large site_lists in memory as less space is needed for a SITE_XYZ struct versus a Site struct. Still, the user should choose a reasonably sized array and use a looping call structure to prevent out of memory errors. The function will die with a fatal error under the following conditions:

The return value of G_readsites_xyz() will either be EOF (which is typically -1) or the number of records read. If the number of records returned is less than the size of the SITE_XYZ array, then it is safe to assume there are no more records. Subsequent calls will return EOF. WARNING: Never make read calls on the site_list file stream in between calls to G_readsites_xyz() without first saving the file position and then restoring it. G_readsites_xyz() assumes the file stream is at the position left by previous calls.

The following is a simple program showing the use of the functions. It assumes a site_list file with the name `test'' in the PERMANENT mapset. \verbatim /* Test the new G_readsites_xyz() interface */ #include #include #include "gis.h" #include "site.h" int main (void) { int i, num, ret_code, index, type; SITE_XYZ *mysites; struct Cell_head *region; FILE *site_file; G_gisinit("test_readsites"); site_file = G_sites_open_old("test", "PERMANENT"); if(!site_file) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open test file\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } region = (struct Cell_head *) G_malloc(sizeof(struct Cell_head)); G_get_set_window(region); num = 100; if(NULL == (mysites = G_alloc_site_xyz(num))) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate site array!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } type = SITE_COL_DIM; index = 1; ret_code = G_readsites_xyz(site_file, type, index, num, region, mysites); printf("First Run: num = %d, type = %d, index = %d\n", num, type, index); printf("Returned: ret_code = %d\n", ret_code); printf("Values --->\n"); for (i = 0; i < ret_code; i++) { printf ("X: %f, Y: %f, Z: %f ", mysites[i].x, mysites[i].y, mysites[i].z); switch (mysites[i].cattype) { case CELL_TYPE: printf("Cat: %d\n", mysites[i].cat.c); break; case FCELL_TYPE: printf("Cat: %f\n", mysites[i].cat.f); break; case DCELL_TYPE: printf("Cat: %f\n", mysites[i].cat.d); break; default: printf("Cat: (nil)\n"); } } printf("\n"); G_free(region); G_free_site_xyz(mysites); return 0; } \endverbatim \section Sites_Programming_Examples Sites Programming Examples \section Time_as_String_Attributes Time as String Attributes (TODO: change to use TimeStamps or DateTime library as a single string)

In this example, we will work with the following site list: \verbatim name|time desc|Example of using time as an attribute time|Mon Apr 17 14:24:06 EST 1995 10.8|0|9.8|Fri Sep 13 10:00:00 1986 %31.4 11|5.5|9.9|Fri Sep 14 00:20:00 1985 %36.4 5.1|3.9|10|Fri Sep 15 00:00:30 1984 %28.4 \endverbatim

This data has three dimensions (assume easting, northing, and elevation), five string attributes, and one decimal attributes.

Now follow along in this skeleton C program. Remember that in real code, you should always check return values. \verbatim #include "gis.h" /* includes stdio.h for file I/O */ #include "site.h" /* include definitions and prototypes */ int main (int argc, char **argv) { int dims=0,strs=0,dbls=0; RASTER_MAP_TYPE map_type; Site *mysite; /* pointer to Site */ Site_head info; FILE *fp; char *mapset; /* find mapset that site list is in and open the site list */ mapset = G_find_file ("site_lists", parm.input->answer, ""); fp = G_fopen_sites_old (parm.input->answer, mapset); /* G_site_describe should be called immediately after the * file is opened or at least before any seeks are done * on the file. */ if (G_site_describe (fp, &dims, &map_type, &strs, &dbls)!=0) G_fatal_error("failed to guess format"); fprintf(stdout,"Guessed %d %d %d %d (should be 3 5 1 0)\n", dims, strs, dbls, cat); /* * Read header fields first, then write to stderr. * This step is optional since the first call to G_site_get() * would skip over any comment or header records. */ G_site_get_head(fp,&info); G_site_put_head(stderr,&info); /* * Allocate enough memory, according to the output * of G_site_describe() */ mysite = G_site_new_struct (fp, &dims, &map_type, &strs, &dbls); /* * G_site_get() returns -1 on EOF, -2 on error. This code ignores * all records following the first invalid one. */ while ((err=G_site_get (fp, mysite)) == 0) { /* do something useful with time information */ /* write the site to stderr instead of output file */ G_site_put(stderr,mysite); } } \endverbatim

Running our sample program, we get: \verbatim Mapset in Location GRASS 5.0 > s.egtime time-h name|time desc|Example of using time as an attribute time|Mon Apr 17 14:24:06 EST 1995 10.8|0|9.8|%31.4 @Fri @Sep @13 @10:00:00 @1986 11|5.5|9.9|%36.4 @Fri @Sep @14 @00:20:00 @1985 5.1|3.9|10|%28.4 @Fri @Sep @15 @00:00:30 @1984 \endverbatim

Compare the above output to the input site list given earlier.

In this example, we read "time" as five string attributes. Using the GRASS DateTime library, we could convert this to GRASS DateTimes and do sometime more useful with this information. We also could have used the TimeStamp GISlib functions to format a single standard GRASS TimeStamp string instead of requiring 5 separate strings. \subsection Key_Points Key Points

After studying the above, you should:

\subsection Example2_Sorting_Arrays_and_Selective_Reads Example 2: Sorting Arrays and Selective Reads In this example, we will work again with the site list from the Time Attribute Example: \verbatim name|time desc|Example of using time as an attribute time|Mon Apr 17 14:24:06 EST 1995 10.8|0|9.8|Fri Sep 13 10:00:00 1986 %31.4 11|5.5|9.9|Fri Sep 14 00:20:00 1985 %36.4 5.1|3.9|10|Fri Sep 15 00:00:30 1984 %28.4 \endverbatim

Recall that the data has three dimensions, five string attributes, and one decimal attributes. However, in this example we are writing a program which only uses two dimensional attributes and one decimal attribute.

Follow along in this skeleton C program and remember that, in real code, you should always check return values! \verbatim #include "gis.h" /* includes stdio.h for file I/O */ #include "site.h" /* include definitions and prototypes */ int main (int argc, char **argv) { int sites_alloced=5, n=0; Site **mysite; /* pointer to pointer to Site */ /* * We allocate memory for an array of Site structs. */ mysites=(Site **) G_malloc(sites_alloced*sizeof(Site *)); /* * Here we only allocate space for 2 dimensions and one decimal attribute. * Thus any calls to G_site_get(~) will ingore dimensional fields * past the first two, any category attribute, and all string attributes */ mysites[n] = G_site_new_struct (2, 0, 1); while ((i=G_site_get (fp, mysites[n])) != EOF) { /* * (we should test for i==2 and deal with appropriately) */ G_site_put(stdout,mysites[n++],0); /* * This snippet could have been left out for compactness since * it is not critical to this example. However, this shows how * to read an unknown number of sites in a robust fashion. */ if (n==sites_alloced) { sites_alloced+=100; mysites=(Site **) G_realloc(mysites, sites_alloced*sizeof(Site *)); if (mysites==NULL) G_fatal_error("memory reallocation error"); } /* * We must call G_site_new_struct(~) for each element * in this array. Doing this inside the while loop instead of * before the while loop saves memory (since we are only allocating * on an as-needed basis). */ mysites[n] = G_site_new_struct (2, 0, 1); } G_free(mysites[n]); /* We did not need the last one */ fprintf(stdout, "\n"); /* sort the array of sites into ascending order */ qsort (mysites, n, sizeof (Site *), G_site_d_cmp); /* write the sorted array to standard output */ for(i=0; idbl_alloc=0; G_site_put(stdout,mysites[i],0); } return 0; } \endverbatim

Running our sample program, we get: \verbatim Mapset in Location GRASS 5.0 > s.egsort time-h 10.8|0|%31.4 11|5.5|%36.4 5.1|3.9|%28.4 5.1|3.9|%28.4 10.8|0|%31.4 11|5.5|%36.4 5.1|3.9| 10.8|0| 11|5.5| \endverbatim

Compare the above output to the input site list given earlier. We read only the first two dimensional attributes and the first decimal attribute-all others were safely ignored.

The resulting site list is sorted into ascending order according to the first decimal attribute. Similar functions exist for sorting by the first string attribute or by category attribute. For sorting by second or third specific fields, you may write your own qsort comparison functions using these examples.

We can selectively write some or none of attribute fields by altering the Site structure. For situations requiring writing of variable attributes (more complex than this example), pointer manipulation may be necessary.

In this example, we read selectively read dimension and attribute fields, \subsection Key_Points2 Key Points After studying the above, you should:
