Outputs G3D maps in VTK-ASCII format. Map's are valid G3D map's in the current mapset. output is the name of an VTK-ASCII file which will be written in the current working directory. If output is not specified then stdout is used. The module is sensitive to region settings (set with g.region).


This filter generates a structured grid with celldata (default) or pointdata and put this in a simple VTK-ASCII file. Nor XML or binary output are supported. It is possible to choose more then one G3D map to be written in the VTK-ASCII file. Each celldata is named like the G3D map it represents. You can visualize this file with the VTK Toolkit, Paraview and MayaVi which are based on VTK. If you have a G3D map with partly no data, use the threshold filter in paraview to visualize the valid data. Just filter all data which is greater/lesser than the choosen null value in the VTK-ASCII file.

Difference between point- and celldata

r3.out.vtk can export G3D cells with different representations.




Soeren Gebbert

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