The very beginning of a swig interface for Grass. This is mainly Perl. Swig supports many languages, thus generic Swig things should be separated and only Swig/Perl things left here. Compiling this is done the usual perl way: perl Makefile.PL make make test you won't need this for a very long time: make install What I've done: 1) the skeleton was created using h2xs 2) hand-edited grass.i and typemaps.i 3) copied gisdefs.h here and commented out some things It might be a good idea to create a thin header layer between the actual Grass and Swig. 4) copied one Grass program r_slope_aspect.c here and made it into a function This procedure could perhaps be automated somehow. 5) Edited Makefile.PL for some configurations. Please edit them according to your config. Please extend and enjoy :) Ari Jolma ari.jolma ############## Ref: Thread: