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Vector data processing in GRASS GIS

Vector import

The v.in.ogr module offers a common interface for many different vector formats. Additionally, it offers options such as on-the-fly creation of new locations or extension of the default region to match the extent of the imported vector map. For special cases, other import modules are available, e.g. v.in.ascii for input from a text file containing coordinate and attribute data, and v.in.db for input from a database containing coordinate and attribute data.

Vector map operations

GRASS vector map processing is always performed on the full map. If this is not desired, the input map has to be clipped to the current region beforehand (v.in.region, v.overlay,v.select).

Vector model and topology

GRASS is a topological GIS which helps to produce and maintain vector maps with clean geometry. The following vector objects are available: The v.type module can be used to convert between vector types if possible. The v.build module is used to identify topological errors. It allows to optionally extract the erroneous vector objects into a separate map. Topological errors can be corrected either manually within v.digit or, to some extent, automatically in v.clean. Adjacent polygons can be found by v.to.db (see 'sides' option).

Attribute management

GRASS can be linked to one or many database management systems (DBMS). The db.* set of commands provides basic SQL support for attribute management, while the v.db.* set of commands operates on the vector map. When creating vector maps from scratch, in general an attribute table must be created and the table must be populated with one row per category (using v.to.db). However, this can be performed in a single step using v.db.addtable along with the definition of table column types.

Editing vector attributes

To manually edit attributes of a table, the map has to be queried in 'edit mode' using d.what.vect. To bulk process attributes, it is recommended to use SQL.

See also

Some of the vector modules deal with spatial or volumetric approximation (also called interpolation). Please refer to the following sections for details:

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