#!/bin/sh # written by Markus Neteler 18. August 1998 # neteler geog.uni-hannover.de # # bugfix: 25. Nov.98/20. Jan. 1999 # 3 March 2006: Added multiple images and group support by Francesco Pirotti - CIRGEO # this script needs gnuplot #%Module #% description: displays spectral response at user specified locations in group or images #%End #%option #% key: group #% type: string #% gisprompt: old,group #% description: group input #% required : no #%end #%option #% key: raster #% type: string #% gisprompt: old,cell,raster #% description: raster input maps #% multiple : yes #% required : no #%end #%flag #%key: i #%description: Use image list and not group #%end #%flag #%key: m #%description: Select multiple points #%end #%flag #%key: c #%description: label with coordinates instead of numbering #%end if test "$GISBASE" = ""; then echo "You must be in GRASS GIS to run this program." >&2 exit 1 fi PARAM_NUM=$# if [ "$1" != "@ARGS_PARSED@" ] ; then exec g.parser "$0" "$@" fi #check if present if [ ! -x "`which $GRASS_GNUPLOT`" ] ; then echo "$PROG: gnuplot required, please install first" 2>&1 exit 1 fi #### check if we have awk if [ ! -x "`which awk`" ] ; then echo "$PROG: awk required, please install awk or gawk first" 2>&1 exit 1 fi # setting environment, so that awk works properly in all languages unset LC_ALL export LC_NUMERIC=C TMP1="`g.tempfile pid=$$`" TMP2="`g.tempfile pid=$$`" # get y-data for gnuplot-data file # get data from group files and set the x-axis labels xlabels="" if [ ! "$GIS_OPT_GROUP" ] ; then if [ $GIS_FLAG_I -eq 0 ] ; then echo "Please use -i if you don't use the 'group' parameter" exit 1 fi fi if [ $GIS_FLAG_I -eq 0 ] ; then # ## PARSES THE GROUP FILES - gets rid of ugly header info from group list output i.group group=$GIS_OPT_GROUP -l | sed 's+ in + +g' | grep "group" -v | grep "\-\-\-\-$" -v > "$TMP2" as=0 lists="" xlabels="" ass=0 for i in $( cat "$TMP2" ); do er=`expr $as % 2` as=`expr $as + 1` if [ "$er" -eq "0" ]; then ass=`expr $ass + 1` if [ "$as" -eq "1" ]; then lists=$i xlabels="'$i' 1" else lists=$lists,$i xlabels="$xlabels, '$i' $ass" fi fi done NUMBANDS=$ass RASTERMAPS="$lists" # ## get data from list of files and set the x-axis labels else RASTERMAPS="$GIS_OPT_RASTER" news=`echo $GIS_OPT_RASTER | sed 's+,+ +g'` as=0 for g in $news; do as=`expr $as + 1` if [ "$as" -eq "1" ]; then xlabels="'$g' $as" else xlabels="$xlabels, '$g' $as" fi done NUMBANDS=$as fi rm -f "$TMP2" #RASTERMAPS=`echo $RASTERMAPS | sed 's+ $++g' | sed 's+ +,+g'` if [ "$GIS_FLAG_M" -eq "0" ]; then if [ `d.mon -L | grep -v 'not running' | wc -l | awk '{print $1}'` -eq 2 ] ; then echo "Error: no graphic device open (d.mon)" exit 1 fi d.where -1 | r.what input=$RASTERMAPS > "$TMP1" else asss=0 if [ `d.mon -L | grep -v 'not running' | wc -l | awk '{print $1}'` -eq 2 ] ; then echo "Error: no graphic device open (d.mon)" exit 1 fi d.where | r.what input=$RASTERMAPS > "$TMP1" cat "$TMP1" > tmper rm -f "$TMP1" for asas in $(cat "tmper"); do asss=`expr $asss + 1` echo $asas | sed 's+||+|'$asss'|+g' >> "$TMP1" done fi cc=0 TT="`cat "$TMP1" | sed 's+\*+0+g' | sed 's+|+ +g'`" NUMCLICKS="`cat "$TMP1" | wc -l`" START=0 # tell data to outpu in different files to accept multiple plots - cache coordinates for output for hell in $( cat "$TMP1"); do START=`expr $START + 1` #cc=`expr $cc + 1` COORD[$START]="`echo $hell | cut -d'|' -f1,2 | tr '|' ' '`" #LABELS[$START]="`cat "$TMP1" | cut -d'|' -f3 `" TOT="`echo $hell | sed 's+\*+0+g' | sed 's+|+ +g'`" cc=0 for ix in $TOT; do cc=`expr $cc + 1` if [ "$cc" -gt 3 ]; then echo $ix >> "$TMP2"_$START fi done done rm -f "$TMP1" NUM=$NUMBANDS NUM2=`expr $NUM / $NUMCLICKS` NUM2=`expr $NUM2 + 1` # build data file # the x-axis... depending on number of bands rm -f data.dum i=0 while [ $i != $NUMBANDS ] do i=`expr $i + 1` echo $i >> data.dum done r=0 while [ $r != $NUMCLICKS ] do r=`expr $r + 1` paste -d' ' data.dum "$TMP2"_$r > data_$r rm -f "$TMP2"_$r done # paste to data file #paste -d' ' data.dum "$TMP2" > data xrange=`expr $NUMBANDS + 1` # build gnuplot script echo "set xtics ($xlabels)" >> spectrum.gnuplot echo "set grid" >> spectrum.gnuplot echo "set title 'Spectral signatures'" >> spectrum.gnuplot ##echo "set yrange [0:255]" >> spectrum.gnuplot echo "set xrange [0:$xrange]" >> spectrum.gnuplot echo "set noclabel" >> spectrum.gnuplot echo "set xlabel 'Bands'" >> spectrum.gnuplot echo "set ylabel 'DN Value'" >> spectrum.gnuplot ## if more then 2 points we can draw an interpolated spline: #if [ $PARAM_NUM -gt 2 ] #then # echo "set data style linespoints" >> spectrum.gnuplot # echo "plot 'data' with points pt 779, '' smooth csplines t 'spline interpolated'" >> spectrum.gnuplot #else echo "set data style lines" >> spectrum.gnuplot rm -f data.dum i=0 str="" while [ $i != $NUMCLICKS ] do i=`expr $i + 1` if [ "$i" -eq "1" ] then if [ $GIS_FLAG_C -eq 0 ] ; then str="plot 'data_$i' title '$i'" else str="plot 'data_$i' title '${COORD[$i]}'" fi else if [ $GIS_FLAG_C -eq 0 ] ; then str=$str",'data_$i' title '$i'" else str=$str",'data_$i' title '${COORD[$i]}'" fi fi done str=$str" with linespoints pt 779" echo $str >> spectrum.gnuplot $GRASS_GNUPLOT spectrum.gnuplot i=0 while [ $i != $NUMCLICKS ] do i=`expr $i + 1` rm -f data_$i done rm -f spectrum.gnuplot