r.topmodel simulates TOPMODEL which is a physically based hydrologic model.

Note: (i) means input; (o) means output; (o/i) means input or output

The -i flag indicates that input data are given for (o/i). Without this flag, all inputs (i) and intermediate outputs (o/i) should be given. For example, [belevation] map will be created from [elevation] and [basin] in every run. However, given the same [elevation] and [basin], [belevation] output will be the same all the time, so r.topmodel can directly take [belevation] as an input with this flag to save time.

Selected Parameters:

depressionless map is created as follows:
r.fill.dir input=elevation elev=depressionless dir=direction type=grass
This option can be omitted if [elevation] map is already depressionless.

belevation map is created from [elevation] with [basin] mask applied:
r.mapcalc "belevation = if(basin == 0 || isnull(basin), null(), elevation)"

topidx map is created as follows:
r.topidx input=elevation output=topidx

Compare simulated flows with observed flows and calculate model efficiency.


r.fill.dir, r.mapcalc, r.topidx, How to run r.topmodel


Main algorithm sources are rewritten in C based on TMOD9502.FOR.
TMOD9502.FOR is available from
Thanks to Keith Beven.

GRASS port by Huidae Cho
Hydro Laboratory, Kyungpook National University, South Korea

Last changed: $Date$