#===================================================================================== # # FILE: epsg_option.tcl # # DESCRIPTION: adds the utility to execute Netelers script to create a location # using the epsg codes # # NOTES: --- # AUTHOR: Antonello Andrea # EMAIL: antonell ing.unitn.it # COMPANY: Engineering, University of Trento / CUDAM # COPYRIGHT: Copyright (C) 2004 University of Trento / CUDAM, ITALY, GPL # VERSION: 1.2 # CREATED: 04/01/2004 # REVISION: 22/04/2006 (Michael Barton, Arizona State University) #===================================================================================== # # # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 # USA # #1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. #2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # ############################################################################# # # part regarding to the creation of a new location using proj and # the EPSG codes (routines epsgLocCom and infoEpsg) # ############################################################################# global browsedepsg # G_msg.tcl should be sourced first for internationalized strings. # the frame used to set EPSG parameters proc epsgLocCom args { #vars declaration global database global epsgLocation global epsg_code global env global thelocation global browsedepsg global locpath # NOTE: the epsg file is generated in GDAL for PROJ4 # with gdal/pymod/epsg_tr.py set browsedepsg "PROJSHARE/epsg" set epsgLocation "newLocation" set epsg_code "" set locpath $database # creation of the parameter window toplevel .optPopup wm title .optPopup {Define location using EPSG projection codes} # put it in the middle of the screen update idletasks set winWidth [winfo reqwidth .optPopup] set winHeight [winfo reqheight .optPopup] set scrnWidth [winfo screenwidth .optPopup] set scrnHeight [winfo screenheight .optPopup] set x [expr ($scrnWidth - $winWidth) / 2-250] set y [expr ($scrnHeight - $winHeight) / 2] wm geometry .optPopup +$x+$y wm deiconify .optPopup #create the form and buttons label .optPopup.input1_ppb -text [G_msg "Name of new location"] -justify right -height 2 entry .optPopup.input1_ppbEntry -textvariable epsgLocation -width 35 -bg white label .optPopup.input2_ppb -text [G_msg "Path to new location"] -justify right -height 2 entry .optPopup.input2_ppbEntry -textvariable locpath -width 35 -bg white label .optPopup.input3_ppb -text [G_msg "Path to the EPSG-codes file"] -justify right -height 2 entry .optPopup.input3_ppbEntry -textvariable browsedepsg -width 35 -bg white label .optPopup.input4_ppb -text [G_msg "EPSG code number of projection"] -justify right -height 2 entry .optPopup.input4_ppbEntry -textvariable epsg_code -width 35 -bg white #browse for database path button .optPopup.db -justify center -width 12 -text [G_msg "Browse..."] \ -command "set locpath \[tk_getOpenFile\]" bind .optPopup.db { if {$locpath == ""} { set locpath $database } } #browse for epsg file button .optPopup.browseepsgfile -justify center -width 12 -text [G_msg "Browse..."] \ -command "set browsedepsg \[tk_getOpenFile\]" bind .optPopup.input3_ppbEntry { if {$browsedepsg == ""} { set browsedepsg "PROJSHARE/epsg" } } #browse epsg codes in file button .optPopup.codes -justify center -width 12 -text [G_msg "Browse..."] \ -command { if {[file exists $browsedepsg]== 0} { DialogGen .wrnDlg [G_msg "WARNING: epsg-codes file not found"] warning \ [G_msg "WARNING: The epsg-codes file was not found!"] \ 0 OK; } if {[file exists $browsedepsg]== 1} { codesEpsg; } } pack .optPopup.codes -side left -fill both -expand 0 button .optPopup.param -justify center -bg honeydew2 -text [G_msg "Help"] \ -command {infoEpsg} pack .optPopup.param -side left -fill both -expand 0 button .optPopup.submit -justify center -width 15 -text [G_msg "Define location"] -state disabled\ -command { set thelocation "$locpath/$epsgLocation"; if {[file exists $thelocation ]== 1} { DialogGen .wrnDlg [G_msg "WARNING: location exists"] warning \ [G_msg "WARNING: The location '$thelocation' already exists, please try another name"] \ 0 OK; } if {[file exists $browsedepsg]== 0} { DialogGen .wrnDlg [G_msg "WARNING: epsg-codes file not found"] warning \ [G_msg "WARNING: The epsg-codes file was not found!"] \ 0 OK; } if {[file exists $browsedepsg]== 1} { if {[file exists $thelocation ]==0} { destroy .optPopup; exec -- $env(GISBASE)/etc/grass-xterm-wrapper -e $env(GISBASE)/etc/make_location_epsg.sh \ $epsg_code $epsgLocation $locpath >@stdout 2>@stderr; DialogGen .wrnDlg [G_msg "WARNING: restart GRASS please"] warning \ [G_msg "WARNING: Please restart GRASS in order find the created location in the list (closing it for you now)"] \ 0 OK; set env(EPSGSCRIPT) {yes}; puts stdout "exit"; destroy . } } set thelocation "" } bind .optPopup.input4_ppbEntry { .optPopup.submit configure -state active } pack .optPopup.submit -side left -fill both -expand 0 button .optPopup.cancel -justify center -width 15 -text [G_msg "Cancel"] \ -command {destroy .optPopup} pack .optPopup.submit -side left -fill both -expand 0 # geometry grid .optPopup.input1_ppb -row 0 -column 0 -sticky e grid .optPopup.input1_ppbEntry -row 0 -column 1 -columnspan 2 grid .optPopup.input2_ppb -row 1 -column 0 -sticky e grid .optPopup.input2_ppbEntry -row 1 -column 1 -columnspan 2 grid .optPopup.db -row 1 -column 3 grid .optPopup.input3_ppb -row 2 -column 0 -sticky e grid .optPopup.input3_ppbEntry -row 2 -column 1 -columnspan 2 grid .optPopup.browseepsgfile -row 2 -column 3 grid .optPopup.input4_ppb -row 3 -column 0 -sticky e grid .optPopup.input4_ppbEntry -row 3 -column 1 -columnspan 2 grid .optPopup.codes -row 3 -column 3 grid .optPopup.submit -row 4 -column 0 grid .optPopup.cancel -row 4 -column 1 grid .optPopup.param -row 4 -column 2 } # listing of the EPSG codes proc codesEpsg args { global browsedepsg toplevel .infoPopup wm title .infoPopup {EPSG-codes} update idletasks set winWidth [winfo reqwidth .infoPopup] set winHeight [winfo reqheight .infoPopup] set scrnWidth [winfo screenwidth .infoPopup] set scrnHeight [winfo screenheight .infoPopup] set x [expr ($scrnWidth - $winWidth) / 2-230] set y [expr ($scrnHeight - $winHeight) / 2 - 110] wm geometry .infoPopup +$x+$y wm deiconify .infoPopup text .infoPopup.text -width 100 -height 50\ -wrap word \ -relief raised \ -yscrollcommand ".infoPopup.vscroll set" # tag configuration .infoPopup.text tag configure underline -underline 1 .infoPopup.text tag configure title -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 \ -background white -foreground "medium blue" -justify center .infoPopup.text tag configure lefttitle -relief flat .infoPopup.text tag configure subtitle -relief flat -background beige # the text to be inserted .infoPopup.text insert end [format " \n %s\n\n" [format [G_msg "EPSG CODES (from file: %s)"] $browsedepsg]] title .infoPopup.text insert end " \n" lefttitle .infoPopup.text insert end " \n\n" subtitle # open the file set f [open $browsedepsg "r"] set found "" while { [eof $f] == 0 } { set line [gets $f] set firstdash [string first # $line] set firstminor [string first < $line] if {$firstdash == "0"} { .infoPopup.text insert end "\n$line\n" lefttitle set found "yes" } if {$firstminor == "0"} { .infoPopup.text insert end "\n$line\n\n" subtitle } if {$firstminor != "0" && $firstdash != "0" && $found != "yes"} { .infoPopup.text insert end [format "\n\n%s\n\n" [G_msg "GUESS THAT IS NOT THE EPSG FILE"]] title; break; } } pack .infoPopup.text -side left -fill y scrollbar .infoPopup.vscroll \ -relief sunken \ -command ".infoPopup.text yview" pack .infoPopup.vscroll -side right -fill y button .infoPopup.ex -justify center -width 6 -text [G_msg "Select"] \ -command {destroy .infoPopup} pack .infoPopup.ex -side bottom -expand 1 -fill both } # help for the EPSG Location creation proc infoEpsg args { toplevel .infoPopup wm title .infoPopup {Info} update idletasks set winWidth [winfo reqwidth .infoPopup] set winHeight [winfo reqheight .infoPopup] set scrnWidth [winfo screenwidth .infoPopup] set scrnHeight [winfo screenheight .infoPopup] set x [expr ($scrnWidth - $winWidth) / 2-230] set y [expr ($scrnHeight - $winHeight) / 2] wm geometry .infoPopup +$x+$y wm deiconify .infoPopup text .infoPopup.text -width 40 -height 30\ -wrap word \ -relief raised \ -yscrollcommand ".infoPopup.vscroll set" # tag configuration .infoPopup.text tag configure underline -underline 1 .infoPopup.text tag configure title -relief raised -borderwidth 2 -background grey -justify center .infoPopup.text tag configure subtitle -relief flat -borderwidth 1 .infoPopup.text tag configure info -relief sunken -borderwidth 1 -background white # the text to be inserted .infoPopup.text insert end [G_msg " \nCREATION OF A NEW GRASS LOCATION WITH EPSG\n "] title .infoPopup.text insert end [G_msg "- needed parameters -\n\n"] title .infoPopup.text insert end "\n" .infoPopup.text insert end [G_msg "\n Name of new location:\n\n"] subtitle .infoPopup.text insert end [G_msg "\nRequires as input the name of the new location to be created\n\n"] info .infoPopup.text insert end "\n" .infoPopup.text insert end [G_msg "\n Path to location:\n\n"] subtitle .infoPopup.text insert end [G_msg "\nThe folder (GRASS database) in which the location should be created\n\n"] info .infoPopup.text insert end "\n" .infoPopup.text insert end [G_msg "\n EPSG code number of projection:\n\n"] subtitle .infoPopup.text insert end [G_msg "\nEPSG code number of projection (see PROJSHARE/epsg or push the 'EPSG-codes' button)\n\n"] info pack .infoPopup.text -side left -fill both scrollbar .infoPopup.vscroll \ -relief raised \ -command ".infoPopup.text yview" pack .infoPopup.vscroll -side right -fill y button .infoPopup.ex -justify center -width 6 -text [G_msg "OK"] \ -command {destroy .infoPopup} pack .infoPopup.ex -side bottom -expand 1 -fill both }